Chapter 8

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I was exhausted by the time I slumped onto the mattress. It was only around 7, but Alby made me do chin ups and pull ups and push ups and any other "up" you can think of. Just turning my head hurts. I was starved, but couldn't get back up again to save a life.

I sighed; it was nice to take a break. I knew i'd keep getting stronger and it would get easier. My hair was stringy from my sweat, and I had sweat spots on my stomach.

The glade was starting to become my home, I could know where I was and what I needed to do. The boys here were either tired of my or warming up, because hardly anyone looked at me anymore.

I just had closed my eyes when I head someone walk into the room.


It was british.

"Thought you'd be tired. Brought you some dinner."

He held out a plate of mashed potatoes, pork, and green beans. I took it with one hand, and almost spilt it.

"Thanks. I'm so tired I don't think I could have walked down 4 stairs."

He made a grunt, and sat down next to me on the floor. It was dusty and there were bits of wood sticking out of the floorboards.

I patted the mat beside me, and told him to get up here.

"So, um, with what happened, Alby thought, that maybe someone should sleep in here with you to make sure you're ok. If that's alright with you."

I nodded, and played dumb.

"Ok. But who?"

I made my eyes big and smiled a little. He looked up at the ceiling and shrugged. It seemed kind of sad that he thought I was serious, and I poked him in the cheek.

"How 'bout you, ya dummy."

Newt's eyes lit up, and they instinctively smiled. Oh, how funny it was.

"Now eat your food. I have something to show you tonight."

I shoved the food down my throat, and stood. He started down the stairs, and I followed him.

When we stepped out, I saw something awesome.

All the gladers were in a loose circle, with torches all over the place. There were nets with kids playing some kind of game.

A pyramid was in the middle of everything and it was lit.

"We do this every month. It was a little delayed because of everything. Now let's have some fun!"

My fatigue disappeared and I jogged over to the fire. some guy with long hair came over and handed me a bottle of something. It was yellow and looked awful, but he just swigged and sat next to me.

It was a brave move, and I liked the kid for it.

"S'ight. Just moonshine."

I don't know if I ever drank before, but I knew if I had enough water I wouldn't have a hangover the next morning.

"Where can I get some water, kid?"

He pointed at the picnic table where a couple cup were.


I jogged over to the table and plucked a cup. It wasn't full.

I walked back over to the boy, and slapped him on the shoulder. It's something I saw boys here do, and the more tomboyish the better.

"What's this 'beep' made of, anyway?"

He widened his eyes and I smiled.


He shook his head, and replied.

"Don't have a clue. Frypan makes it."

I tipped it back, and it wasn't bad, kinda sweet, really.

A hand squeezed my shoulder, and I turned to see who it was.

"I see you've met Red." Newt said as he sat in the middle of us.


I was always at a loss for words when I was with him.

"Hey, Newt. Grace seems to be pretty laid back."

"Ya, and you made 'er that way. Did you really think that giving her booze would help?"

"Sorry. Just trying to include her. Plus, it's watered down with juice."

Newt rolled his eyes, and said, "Fine. So did you hear what happened to Willis? The thing.... hahahahahah!"

I let them talk about some accident with a goat, and pants, and looked out at the walls. They were still menacing, but I was starting to get the whole trapped in a box thing under control.

"Grace?" Red snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I tuned back into the conversation.

"Thinking bout the maze?"

I nodded and asked something.

"Are you sure that's the only way out?"

Newt froze, and looked at me hard with his beauty-full eyes.

"Ya. We've been here two bloody years, tried everythin'.

I smiled, and I think I surprised Newt.

"Not everything."

He looked worried about me now, but I was completely sober.

"You ok, Grace? It's getting late. Maybe we should tuck in for the night."

"No, Newt, i'm not drunk, if that's what your thinking. I have an idea."

Red put his beer down and leaned in. His breath smelled.

"That's crazy. We've tried everything in the shucking universe. The maze is the only way."

"You think it is. But the answer was right under under your butts."

At this Newt stood, and pulled me up by my hand.

"We need to get you to bed. That beer was too strong for you."

Again, I wasn't drunk. I had an idea, and I needed to tell someone I could trust.

"Can we talk alone, Newt?"

I brushed my hand along his cheek, into his hair, then to my side.

He swallowed and nodded, and we started to the homestead.

When we got into the room, I shut the door and turned serious.

"Newt, I'm not drunk. Really, this is serious."

He nodded, and I was silently hoping inside that he was disappointed. He nodded, and said something funny.

"You didn't look like you were. I've seen some people here after a party. Now tell me."

I sat at the bed, and told him.

"The bathrooms."

His big brown eyes were scared.

"The pipes. You've been to the bathrooms, and they have plain old toilets that you flush. The pipes have to go somewhere. Right?"

Newt was totally and completely ruined. He came over and hugged me with tears glittering his eyes.

"Remember it might not lead anywhere, but there's still hope, right?"

"Ya. Listen, Grace. I spent almost three years here, and I lost hope around 1 1/2. Thank you."

I nodded, and laid down on the bed. Newt crawled in beside me and blew out the candle.

"Night Newt."

"Night Gwace."


If you love Newt in any way, please leave in the comments what you want him to say! Keep it clean, but fun.

Luv ya!

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