Chapter 13

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It was getting late, and dinner was being served. I went up to the keeper of food to get my plate, but he held it above my head.

"I know someone stole an apple from our pantry."

I was trapped, and just decided to suck up.

"I'm sorry Frypan. I needed something to eat! I'm too thin!"

I pinched the side of my leg.

He sighed and shook his head, and gave me the plate.

"Just don't do it again."

I smiled at him, told him thanks, and hurried off to the tables. The cooks had made a sandwich with bacon lettuce and tomatoes. It was good, the bacon was really soft.

I sat by myself for the whole lunch period before I had to get back to work.

I was helping Gally make a couple of tent things that people could sleep in.

We didn't talk, just worked together in almost perfect harmony. I handed him a saw and he held the stick while I nailed it. A couple of the walls were leaning, so we put something like a lean to so people could store things in the extra space.

By the end of the day we had made seven, and were waking the sides trying to find faults. They were sturdy and hopefully wouldn't fall down.

"Do you want to talk?" I asked Gally when everything was done.

We were sitting under one of the shelters for shade.

He nodded, and I asked him another question.

"Do you think this could happen again? If something is poisoning us, it could still be in Our blood. Or someone else could get hurt."

He nodded. "It sounds like something that happened years ago. We used to send runners out in the maze, to find a way out. But then, they reported huge slug-like mechanical monsters, and one shank got "stung". He got back some memories. But he... disappeared a couple days later."

I put my head in my hands, I was starting to crack.

"Gal, I don't think I can take this. Monsters? People disappearing? Why would someone do this to us?"

The tough builder looked uncomfortable, he wasn't really the most compassionate. But he still reached over and rubbed my shoulder.

His thumb moved back and forth over my shoulder blade.

It was familiar. He had never done anything like this before that I could remember, but it was still FAMILIAR. I gasped and straightened my back. Gally pulled his arm away, and the bit of a memory disappeared. I reached over and touched his shoulder.

"Do that again." I instructed him.

He slowly reached over and rubbed the same spot.

I felt a tingle at the base of my neck, and I saw an image.

It was Gally, in a water tank. He was beating at the glass. His punches slowed down, and he looked dead.

I slumped against the wall, and Gally came over and shook me.

"Hey? What happened? What did you see?"

I stood again, and told Gally what my theory was.

"The creators are experimenting on us. Sending us messages through each other. When you hugged me earlier, you gave me a message, or part of one. 'We have something to tell you, Grace Landcaster.' That's my name."

"There are other things that can't be explained now, but maybe after we-"

A piercing siren exploded in my ears, and we turned toward the sound. Gally looked weird, pale.

"What is that?" I mouthed.

Gally swallowed, and answered.

"That's the Greenie alarm."


Oh my shuck I have a new idea for the next chapter that I think you guys will hate!!! Stay tuned!


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