Chapter 15

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He's dead. I thought. He was alive a couple of minutes ago, now he's dead.

After they pulled me away, I ran into my room in the homestead and grabbed a knife. I stuffed some extra towels in my shoes so they wouldn't rub, and ran into the maze.

No one saw me, so they couldn't stop me. I ran just around the corner, so no one could see me front the entrance. The monsters would find me in the morning with no problem.

I took the knife and examined it. The groves weren't that thick, but could cut easily. I looked up at the sky, the green moss and thought about what I'd lost and what I still have. The only person I had to live for was Gally, but that was because I owed him something. I don't know what, but I did.

I took the knife and slid down a wall. The thorns ripped through my shirt, but I didn't notice.

I gripped the knife in my right hand, and held it over my left wrist.

Ssssseepp. There. The first cut. It was clean, and was already dripping blood.

Then came the second cut. It was longer. I already saw a small pool of blood on the dirt floor.

Then the third. I was beginning to feel dizzy, and was losing strength.

'Stop' a voice in my head was telling me. I didn't want it to be there. It was making me feel guilty about what I was doing.

'You're no good to him dead. Now get up, wipe off the blood, and go back and get revenge.'

I had to make a decision. Die and be with Newt, or live and get revenge on the people who did this. I couldn't let them win.

I slowly picked myself up, used the towels to wrap my arm, and started to the entrance. I would be fine, I lost enough blood to become dizzy and nauseous, but would be fine.

I slipped back into the glade, and luckily no one saw. I went back to the homestead and got a bandage for my arm. If I was going to survive this, I needed to close off my emotions. Put up a wall like Gally wisely did a long time ago.

I sat on my mattress and took out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote everything we knew about what was happening. I wrote what we would need to do to try and get out, and all the things that we would need to bring with us. It took my mind off everything.

It was dark outside, and I skipped dinner. I would have puked it all up anyway.

I did mindless things for the rest of the night. Drawing pictures of flowers, Newt. I didn't even know I COULD draw. But the skill was there, so I used it.

I choked back a sob when I drew his eyes.

After a while I stopped trying. There were tear spots on the thick paper, and thankfully none of them distorted his features.

I sat on my mattress until really late, choking on my tears. I hardly made a sound, but in my mind I was dying. I never really told him anything about me. I had only known him a couple of weeks, yet It felt like....


His last words. I hadn't thought about them when he was dying. Something like 'Ive loved you since you were little.' How the heck did that help? it just added more and more to the question pile.

Sighing, I laid down, and not feeling Newt beside me, I cried. More than ever. I was so tired of everything. I fell asleep like that, and the last thing I remember is hoping I didn't drown in my own tears.


I felt a hand in my shoulder. It jerked me awake, and I saw Gally's pale face staring down at me. At first I thought it was Newt, the blonde hair and everything. Then I remembered.

He was softly whispering my name, until I sat up and wiped my eyes, which were achy.

He smiled, a huge one that went ear to ear. His teeth were perfectly straight.

"Grace? I have some good news for ya."

Nothing could be good news except...

"Yeah. Newts alive.


Sorry I did a Cassandra Claire!

Btw, does anyone know if they are making the City of Ashes movie soon?


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