Chapter 11

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I stumbled out of the hug with a muffled scream. The room was spinning, and I fell while trying to get to the door. The knob seemed too far away, and all my screams caught in my throat. I felt a hand on my back, and spun to see Gally, his mouth twitching upward in a smile.

His voice was robotic as he spoke, the human totally obliterated.

"We need to tell you something important, Grace Landcaster."

I shook my head, trying to find an escape.

Rob and Jack! They were standing on the other side of the door.

"JACK!!!" I yelled as loud as I could.

The door burst open, and the two mad jacks ran in. I stepped behind them, and Rob was in a fighting stance.

Gally was staring at me with normal, if a little confused, wide eyes. I started tearing up a little, and I thought I was going crazy.

Jack pulled me to his side and asked me what happened.

"He...he...sniff...had no eyes..."

Jack felt my head, and let me cry on his shoulder while Rob quizzed Gally.

"I didn't do a shuck thing, dude."

Gally must have been under some sort of trance or something. I just needs to be strong in front of these boys. If I let the fact that I'm a girl get in the way of respect I would never survive here.

I wiped my dripping nose on my sleeve, and stood straight up.

"I'm sorry. Nothing happened. I'm just... hormonal."

Rob was patting my shoulder while Jack tried to stop smiling.

I figured it was better to talk to Gally and Newt alone. I was still pretty shaken up, but had to start on that chart. I'm just going to let them handle telling Alby, I thought, I need some rest.

I walked down the stairs after waving to everyone, and went over to the paper shack. Yes, a shack full of paper.

I took a piece, along with a pretty ball point pen, and went to my tree. It was warm, and the ink moved perfectly across the rough paper.

I finished the chart, and was feeling tired, but stable. The med-jacks would get the shower on Monday, track-hoes on Tuesday, brick-nicks on Wednesday, builders on Thursday, sloppers on Thursday and Friday, and anyone else on Saturday and Sunday.

It was really nice to just sit and write a chart out. My handwriting was blocky and angular, but pleasing to look at. I liked making charts and lists.

It was around 4:30 when I finished, and decided to go tell Newt about my dream and my meeting with Gally.

"Hey, there you are. I was..." He stopped when he saw the look on my face.

"What's wrong?"

I pulled him over to a more secluded spot, and sat down. It was going to take a whole to explain.

"Gally woke up today."

Newts face brightened, then realizing there was more to it.

"We figured out what happened to us."

Newt raised his eyebrows and looked deep into my eyes.

"Something bit us. A bug, or something."

I pulled the bottom of my shirt up, and showed Newt the marks.

He didn't touch them, but bent to gets closer look.

"Bloody... what kind of bug would do THAT?"

I shook my head and smoothed the shirt down.

"I don't know. But Gally said he dreamed of bugs. I did too. It's not a coincidence. Alby's holding a gathering anyway, so we need to tell him now."

Newt blanched at that, and took my hand.

"We need to keep this our secret for now. Who knows what the rest if the glade will think."

I didn't understand why he was being so... careful all of a sudden. Alby was his friend, no matter how ignorant.

"Um... it's not really your secret. It's Gally's and mine. And we need to tell the leader of the whole place so we can figure out what to do next. Alright?"

I stepped in to give him a quick pat on the head. I don't know why, I just suddenly had the urge to pay him like a dog.

"Ok, little Miss independent."

*inserts song little miss independent.*

We skip to the dead heads, and climb up my tree.

It's a couple of minutes till the gathering, but I think Newt and I can steal some time.

"So, what do I look like? I mean, being the only girl I'd like to know."

Newt took his hand and gentle turned my chin towards him. He inspected my face, and smirked.

"You have dark skin, with little pock marks by your nose, which is normal sized. Your eyes are brown, with little bits of green. And you have the longest lashes ever. Normal forehead, but your hair comes down pretty far on it. And your lips are very proportionate to your face and the slope if your jaw. If you scrunch your nose even the littlest bit, your eyebrows inch together all the way. When you smile your cheeks round out, and your face becomes a complete circle. That enough?"

I nodded, with my mouth hanging open. He HAD studied me.

I smiled, and held my hands around my face in a circle. He laughed his walrus laugh, and asked me what he looks like. I decide to just tell him the truth.

"Sexy. Beautiful. Perfect. Except your ears. Those are weird."

I hopped off the branch, and ran off before he could say anything. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very. I heard him behind me, and he caught up even with his limp. I'd ask later how he got-

Oof! I was tackled and landed in the grass, my hair fanning around me. I turned around to see Newt lying beside me, breathing hard and laughing, which made me start to giggle along.

The whole glade stopped what it was doing, and it was only us. We both stopped laughing, and he was half way on me, halfway not. I slowly leaned forward, and he did too. I felt the spark of almost touching, and we were so close.

"Newt!!!" I heard a voice say.

Ugg!!! Who ever that voice belongs to is going to get his face smashed with a shovel!


Sorry, I just had to do it. And thank you so much for everyone's comments and votes and everything!!!! It is so awesome. You don't even know how happy it makes me!


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