Chapter 5 A Gathering

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"We've had only boys come u through the box, now all of a sudden a shuck girl shows up. Suggestions?"

Alby was talking about what they should do with me. Being the only girl, something had to be done. A lot of the boys were afraid of me, and it was kinda funny to watch their eyes flick to me, catch my eye, then blush and turn away.

"What are we talkin bout?"

"Kill er!"

"Dude, no!"

"Don't care, long as I get a little what what."


It was Newt, and in his british accent it sounded like poetry.

"One at a time. Shanks."

The group of boys grumbled, and nodded.

One raised his hand, and Alby called on him like a teacher at school. His name was Tim.

"I say she just lives like the rest ov us. Creators finally sent something useful."

Some gladers agreed. Alby called on another boy named Gally.

"Lock er up. She's dangerous. Think about how much power she has."

I was told by Alby to be quiet, but that last thing made me speak up.

"Excuse me? I did not just hear that."

There were a couple of oooohhhhs, and Newt shook his head at me, but I continued.

"I'm no different from a boy. Except I'm pretty."

Gally shorted, and his weird shaped eyebrows inclined.

"Av you seen yourself? Pretty, my butt."

Alby jumped up and stood in the middle of us.

"Enough. This is a gathering, you can fight later."

I sat back down with a plunk, and put my chin on my hands. Gally does the same.

"She's done nothing wrong. Not her fault she was born a chick. All who vote yes to normalcy, raise your hand."

About 3/4 raised theirs.

"Ok." Alby turned back to me and said,

"We can see what job you'll have tomorrow. Enjoy your day off."

At the last syllable, everyone stood and left the little hut. One person stayed behind, Gally.

"Listen,babe. Sorry about that tough act. Gotta keep up that rep."

He leaned back into the wall, and picked at a piece of string. I hoped it wasn't holding anything vitally important.

"Uh huh."

I moved quickly toward the door, and he let me pass. I heard him follow me out, and just as I turned around to tell him to back off, a stick magically jumped out in front of me on purpose. I tripped forward and landed straight in Gally's arms.

He tripped back a tiny bit, but then steadied and pushed me gently back up by my shoulders. Then he walked away.

I muttered, "Thanks." but I think I was out of earshot.

Stupid magical branches.


Later that night, I had a dream. A bunch of eyes were staring at me, then they changed to yellow, then purple, then green. Soon little numbers replaced them, and they slowly moved to me. I couldn't move, and they burrowed into every little pore of my skin. They crept into the corner of my eyes like bugs, and in my ears. Everything hurt and itched. It felt so real.

The pain didn't stop when u saw Newt walk into my room. I hadn't realized that I saw screaming, or even that I'd woken up.

As soon as I saw his head almost glowing in the dark, I felt a little better someone was with me. He knelt by me, and pulled my hair back from my face. I couldn't really see him, but the look on his face must have been concerned.

The pain had stopped, and all I felt was numb. I barely registered breathing, or hearing Newt yell something. I heard other foot steps, and didn't really care who's they were.

A familiar face bent down to mine, with the light from a candle shining on it.

"Are you alright? Can you talk to me?"

Alby asked.

I tried to speak, but my mouth wouldn't listen. I managed to shake my head once before completely losing my vision. It was filled with the numbers again, and I freaked out.

My arm slammed into something and my left leg connected with the dresser. The bugs were everywhere, in my hair, my nails. I couldn't clench my hands without crunching millions of them. I didn't know how long it lasted, but it felt like it went on for days. Bugs, everywhere. I decided even butterflies were out to get in my nose and crawl into my brain. Girls aren't supposed to like bugs anyway, but this was ridiculous.

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