Chapter 17

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The metal device had dents in where it was hit with sticks, and some of the liquid was still trapped in it.

"Why do you still have that?!"

I yelled. Minho put it back into his pocket and leaned closer.

"All of that stuff was 'sposed to be released. But it wasn't. It's pure luck that he survived."

This made my ears buzz with hate. Who ever did this to me, to Newt, to all of these boys, were going to pay.

Minho started to the door, and I stopped him.

"Thank you."

He nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me with Newt.

I love him so much. It was bigger than what I remembered, before we came to this hell hole we were lovers, or something.

I plopped onto the floor, not wanting to sit in the exact position as before.

I chipped away at the floor, trying to remember something. Anything. The room was slowly fading, and I was falling asleep before I could stop it.


I jumped awake to see Newt thrashing at open air, yelling furiously. My brief nap energized me, and I sprang to the balls of my feet.

I grabbed onto one of Newt's arms, and forced it down on the bed. I called for help and hurled myself onto him, my knees holding his torso down.

His legs kicked, and I slid halfway off him. But like a bull rider, I clung to his shoulders and pushed him down.

A couple of gladers came into the room and helped me get Newt down and still. He was still kicking and trying to break free, but it was five to one.

He was yelling obscenities and wouldn't stop even if I rubbed his forehead and jaw with the pad of my fingers. That usually worked to calm him.

With one agonizing screech, he busted through. After landing with a thump on the floor, we got him down again. I was leaning close to his ear, whispering that I loved him.

It seemed like days, but finally he gave up.

I wiped all the dirt and sweat off my face with the bottom of my shirt, and inspected the people around me.

Two were obviously Rob and Jack, one was Minho, the other Alby.

I shoved my hair back from my face, and glared up at Rob.

"You said he'd be up by now. It's been nine freaking days!"

Rob and Jack shook their heads. "We don't know. He should have."

Right about then, a small gasp came from the bed.

The thing I had run over and over in my head was right in front of me.

Newt sat straight up, making little gasping breaths. I rushed over to him faster than anyone.

He looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Why's everyone staring at me?"

I reached over and hugged him. When I pulled back, the others went into a massive bro hug.

"I remember standing at the box.. getting everything out, then nothing. Now I'm here."

I was tearing up a little, and I handed him some bread with butter and cheese.

"Somethin from the box stabbed you and almost killed you, I mean obviously it didn't work, with this weird poison stuff..." Rob started. Minho cut him off to explain better.

"We got that box. You remember that right?" Newt nodded. "And then when you got out a syringe injected something In you that made ya sick."

Newt ran his hand through his amazing blonde hair, and fell back against the pillows.

"We need to get out."

Alby scoffed. "No shit. Now that everyone's ok we can start up Grace's plan."

Newt finished the bread and asked for some water. I shuffled down the stairs to get it.

When I was coming back up to the room, I saw the door was closed. I put my hand to it, and heard low murmuring voices.

I couldn't catch anything, so I pushed the door open the teeniest bit.

"-can't tell her. If I do, they'll kill her. This world is so shu-"

I burst open and put the water on the table. I didn't ask anything about what i'd heard. I turned to go to my room to calm down and gather my thoughts. I didn't hear the footsteps until they were right next to me.

"You slacked off today. I think I tore something trying to make up for you."

Gally's face smiled down at me, and I smiled too.

I pulled him down to sit by me, and told him about everything.

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