Chapter 1 The beginning.

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I had never been so scared in my whole life. At least I thought so. I didn't really know what I was, or who. The metal was cold under my fingers, and I tried to use my sense of touch to find out where I was. There was a smell in the air, like stinky feet after a run. It gave me a slight headache, or maybe that was because of cold or darkness.

Just as I started to stand, the room lurched, and I hit my head on something wooden and rough. My hair felt wet, maybe because of my sweat, or (hopefully not) blood.

I really didn't know what was going on, and everything seemed to go. On. forever. There was some light slipping through the cracks in the walls, and I could make out the lines on my hands. They were scarred and had bitten nails, down to the cuticle.

The room was making jerking movements, making standing impossible. I swear the whole time I was in there I had no idea that it was an elevator. I had two options, look around for an exit, or wait until something else happens. The latter seemed like giving up, so I used my hands to sweep out in front of me. The box wasn't that big, maybe 9 steps by 1O. There were several crates, but we're left unopened because of my lack of tools. 'What was happening?' I thought. I didn't know who I was. Not even a name, a tiny thing, yes, but I didn't have one and it made me sad. No memory of friends, family, a life. Did I have a mom who loved me? A dad that used to lift me up onto his shoulders? I shook my head. 'No. This is not the time for this. I need to find out why I'm here.'

My search yielded nothing. Not even a fault In the metal floor and walls. With a huff of annoyance, I leaned back against the wall, and softly hit my head on the wall. Maybe it would bring back some of the memories. When I shut my eyes it hardly made a difference in the lighting. There's no way I could sleep right now, bit maybe I could relax enough to sort things out. 'Deep breaths.' I kept telling myself. My lungs didn't listen. My shallow breathing was the only noise along with the grinding sounds of the room moving.

"I think she's waking up."

That's the first thing I heard when I was woke up. The voice was male, with a feeling like gravel attached to it. I think I fell asleep, but I couldn't be sure. I tried to sit up, but was pushed down again by a strong hand.

"Stay down. Your not well enough to sit up yet."

I didn't answer, but instead inspected the person hovering above me. He had shaved brown hair that looked incredibly dirty, and a flat nose. His lips were thin and cracked, with the start of a mustache above them. His skin was peach, with sunburns and dirt covering it. I was just starting to think about how ugly he was when another voice popped up from the other side of the room.

"She's fine. Look at how bright her eyes are. Told ya it was only a minor concussion."

'So that's what happened.' I thought. It explained the faint ache on the back of my head.

I snapped my head toward the new voice, and was met with a boy with red blond hair. His cheeks had faint freckles all over them,and he was really short. A second after I looked at him, he started walking over to the bed where I lay. He reached over me,and pulled something off my head. It took some of the hair off, which made me pull back from his touch.

"Sorry." He mumbled with notice feeling. "You have a lot of hair."

My breathing was ragged,and I wanted to know where I was so I could figure things out. When I spoke, my throat ached for water.

"Who are you and where am I?" Genius.

The kid with the dirt hair and smooched nose said "You are the newest member of hell."


If you liked this story, please give me a quick vote!!! And if you know what the first couple of chapters will be like, I suggest skipping ahead to chapter 4. It's a lot more exciting. Thank you!

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