Chapter 5

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Namjoon POV

I've been watching jinie 'yep I already have a nickname for him, cute right' and he's absolutely adorable. He really takes a lot of notes, he hasn't stopped writing since the teacher started talking. It isn't even worth taking notes about, she's literally talking about how she divorced her husband because he cheated on her. 'Is that worth taking notes about?'

Class was over I kinda rushed to get out of class, my rut has been delayed a while and I'm kinda scared. That only means you get more aggressive around your mates and more possessive. And I don't feel like getting suspended for almost killing a kid for just looking at jinie. In my excitement I ran into someone and it felt like electricity running up my arm, and my mind was clouded for a split second. I looked down and there he stands just looking up at me, "I-I'm so s-sorry, I wasn't l-looking where I-I was going" I couldn't help but stutter, I've never stuttered ever I guess today's the day that happens. "Oh ummm.....your f-fine~, ummm I'll s-see you around" he stuttered and couldn't look me right in the eyes, he blushed slightly when I moved my head a little bit just to see his long beautiful eyelashes. He was facing down like he was in trouble, and he was cute.

I excused myself and walked out to my next class, I could still feel the spot where he touched my arm from when I "accidentally" ran into him. Well it was on accident at first but I got to talk to him, so that's good enough. I had a boring 2 periods, I almost fell asleep in P.E. Somehow 'I don't know ether, how do you even fall asleep in fitness class?!' I went to the changing room and I was kinda in a rush, I could feel my rut starting and I can't be around people as it's in progress. I get really physical and impatient, I don't wanna fall victim to my urges and rape someone. Especially since my mate still looks innocent, and I don't think you wanna see your mate being pushed into a cop car after they rape someone because there on there rut. That's not good, being right next to jin during 4th period spiked my rut and it's gonna start in at least an hour, but I can feel it beginning. I quickly change and I run out of the locker room and outside, I run to my car and find my keys I was about to put my keys in he lock but I smelt Jin. 'fuck' I cursed under my breath and turned around being met with a cute short boy looking down to not meet eye contact. "If your gonna talk, could you at least bring your head up? I wanna talk to your beautiful face to not just your pretty voice" I ask quietly just to send a message and he slowly looks up to meet my gaze. I smile slightly and swallow shallowly. "Ummmm..did you p-pay attention d-during history, I wasn't p-paying attention and I m-missed the whole l-lesson" as soon as he looked up into my eyes he visually relaxed. Another thing mates can do, "ummm. She literally just talked about being divorced by her husband, weren't you taking notes or something. You were constantly writing in you notebook, well that's what you were doing right?" jin Blushing, I had no idea why but he looked cute doing it, "Hey namjoon you left your phone in the lock-who is this~" he asked licking his lips. Namjoon stepping in front of jin and put his arm back pushing jin against his back.

"He doesn't concern you, go the fuck away" I say in a low growl as I feel jin tighten his grip on my back. "Oh my god do you have your self a little friend, mind if I touch him~" he said dangerously eyeing Jin that's shaking behind me. "Get the fuck away!" I say louder and look at his posey as well, they we're licking their lips, I knew exactly what they were thinking. I've known them so years, there wanting to have a piece of jin, even if jin says no. I step forward and push jin back a little bit, Michel looks at one of the guys and signaled him to attack my first instinct is to tackle the dick that tried to hurt or touch my mate. And that's what happened.

I push jin back and punch the shorter alpha right on the base of the jaw and he flys down hitting the ground hard, knocked out. 2 more charge at me and I haven't calculated the idea that Michel wasn't one of the two alphas, one tackles me and the other grabbed my arms holding them down and pinned me to the ground. Wall the other punched and kicked my sides and abdomen. Definitely gonna cause dark bruises, I glance up and Michel has jin pinned onto my car with a hand covering his mouth, tears welling at the sides threatening to fall. He glances at me and finally let the tears fall, he cry's harder watching what's happening to me. I watch as Michel was licking, kissing, and sucking his neck. Definitely unwanted by jin, considering the fact his mate is being punched and kicked right in front of him. "J-joonie...s-stop!! Please help me!!" Jin screamed when he gets his mouth free, all I see is red and I pull the alpha holding my arms down, he falls off top of me and I knee him in the bottom jaw knocking him out. I grabbed the others throat and pushes hard on his wind pipe, picking him up and slamming him back down. Not enough to crush his windpipe but he definitely can't breath for a tiny bit. I run over and tackle Michel, detaching him from jin. I grab his throat and push his face and knee his side repeatedly. He's far from unconscious but I can't find myself stopping.

I feel a tiny hand on my back and I instantly calm down, I breath in and out fast, I've never experienced that before. I don't know what happened, it's like I raged and everything went red, all I saw was blood red. I turn around slowly and I'm met with a teary eyed jin "n-namjoon" jin stutters. I don't hesitate and pull him onto my lap, he's straddling my lap but I don't care at the moment. My eyes start to get teary and I finally break down in the arms of my mate. His scent is calming me down, Jin's hesitate to hug back but I tighten my hold on him and he wraps his arms around my neck and my face goes deeper in the crook of his neck.

I open my blurry eyes and all I'm met with the no longer blank canvas of his neck, dark purple hickey cover his neck on this one side. "I-I'm so so-sorry jinie, I c-couldn't s-stop him. I t-tried I r-really did" I said in between sobs and he's stroking my hair and my back to calm my done. "Shhh, namjoon you did the best you could" he whispered in my ear and that calmed my down enough to finally look at him. He looked down at me and softly put his hands on my cheeks, he placed a soft, meaningful kiss. I obviously kissed back, he wrapped his arms around my neck and deeper the kiss. 'OH FUCK MY RUT" I feel myself hardening under Jin's ass, I slowly push jin off and he gives me a vey confused look. "Could I get your number, I'll explain later?" He smiles and nods handing his phone over and we exchange numbers.

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