Chapter 24

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Seokjin POV

Here I am, standing outside the hospital that started it all. I take a deep breath and walk inside and to the reception desk.

"Hi, is there a chance I could talk to Dr. Mark?"

"We have three Dr.'s by that name sir." I open my mouth to say something but she stops me.

"Is there a reason you wanna see the Dr.~" She says in a flirtatious manor, obviously not smelling that I'm an omega nor that I'm mated. I slowly pull my neck line down and show her my mate mark. The excitement in her eyes dies down and she starts typing on her computer.

"Um, the Dr. is a female if that helps."

"Oh yes, the other two are males I will call her down as soon as possible.' She smiles and I nod and walk to the waiting area.

I wait for maybe 30 minuets and a female doctor walks threw the halls and I stand up and run to her.

"I'm sorry but are you Dr. Mark?

"Yes that's me can I help you?" I smile and nod

"Yes um I'm Jin-well Seokjin, Kim Seokjin and you were support to do a eggopsy on me when I was born? I have some questions" her face shows complete shook and she hugs me tightly, she then cups my belly and looks back up to my face.

"Yes of course, follow me" I smile and follow her to her office.

She unlocks it and gestures me to sit on the comfortable couch next to her desk.

"So, how old are you?"

"I'm 18 now, and my baby is only a couple weeks old" I smile and cup my stomach, she smiles fondly but then her face goes dark.

"Why did you come honey?

"I wanna know why you didn't actually do the surgery on me?"

Her smile retracts and she takes a deep breath.

"When I was younger my father was abusive, he hit me, raped me, starved me, locked me up, everything you can imagine. I was a young omega and looking at your data and records. I didn't have the extra protein to protect me. So I got pregnant with my fathers pups. 'Disgusting I know', and he got really angry.

He tied me to the bed, legs and feet and took out a sharp knife. He cut up my legs (Showing scars) and finally landed on my stomach, an omegas only will to live is to protect her or his pups. And I could do that, as my father cut into my stomach and forced my pup filled womb out.

My father forced me into never having pups ever, and when you were born I saw a twinkle in your beautiful eyes. A twinkle that showed hope for a loving family, and healthy baby's. That's when your father became disgusted that you were a male, omega to add on to it. without your mothers consent you told me to do an operation that is only legal on men or women over 25 years old.

That's what I told your father, because that surgery done on an omega so fragile and small and young. Can kill them, and I told him that to. He told me to get on with the surgery, your mother was fighting for me to not even touch you after you were born because of what your father was having done to you.

I told then I will back after an hour and thirty-minuets, with a eggless omega. Your father told me to make it 20 and I said with such a small omega, young adding on to it. It will need a lot more time. He said he didn't care if you died, he didn't want to have grandchildren if it meant it would come out of a male.

I set up all the equipment, got everything ready. when I looked down to a helpless, not even named omega. And I saw me, helpless, it wasn't even there chose. I put you under, and just watched you sleep, you were so calm. Not even knowing what was gonna happen if I didn't stop.

I brought you back to your parents, your mother was more then angry with me. She said some not so repeat worthy words, and I just smiled and walked away. I preyed to Luna that your father would never find out.

And you would never be manipulated like I was."

I started crying listening to her story and what my fucking father did to me.

"Would you like an ultrasound? I can check if the pups ok?" I smiled and nodded vigorously.

A few seconds later she came back with an ultrasound machine, she signaled me to lay on the couch. I pulled my shirt up over my stomach and she started up the machine. She put the cold liquid on my belly and the machine.

I started crying as I saw the baby curled into a cute little ball, I wasn't really a baby yet nor was it even anything close to looking like an embryo.

"Its still early but I could tell you, if its an alpha, beta, or omega."

I smile and nod excitedly.

"It looks like you'll be having a beautiful omega" I tear up and start crying as I see it in my little tummy.

She prints two pictures and hands them to me.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity~" I say between sobs, she hugs me and pats my back.

"Go home to your mate, knowing alpha fertility sickness. He's probably worried sick about you."

I nod and walk out of the hospital, with the baby pictures in hand. I walk to the bus stop and sit down. A man walks up to me and sits down, I think nothing of it until I smell something that makes me really worried.

he takes out a clothes and shoves it to my face, I inhale sharply as I hold my breath as long as possible. I start punching and kicking trying to stop this from happening to me, I pull his face cover off and my eyes go wide at who I see. I squeal and feel the fear creeping up my body.

I slowly start losing consciousness until I don't feel anything anymore.

I open my eyes to see a dark room

"Look whos awake and ready to play"

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