Chapter 26

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Namjoon POV

"Jin.....has sever scaring and an abused anal cavity. Has Jin told you about his extra protein?" I shake my head "Ok that's fine, the run down is Jin has extra protein, generally its for protecting your womb during pregnancy, but because he was born with a lot more.

It was used to protect his eggs from when he was younger and he got raped, and now. But when it was you who inserted himself inside of Jin, It's like the protein new you were his mate. In which it allowed you to impregnate Jin. This condition is extremely rare, in which in the entire time of knowing this condition existed only two people have had it. Including your mate.

But your mate as acute amounts of the protein, he created more to protect the womb he no longer had."


"Your mate somehow had two wombs, both were occupied. But only one baby now survives. when I did your mates ultrasound the other baby was hiding behind the one that's still alive. Considering how many times it looks like he was raped. That baby would have died, but the protein was protecting the womb. And what looks to be only retreated back into the body after Jin came in contact with you and only you. It went back to protect when we touch him, we believe that you and Jin are a past mate.

"A past mate?"

"Yes, its a mates bond that is so strong that can be carried onto another life. That is the only option that we have when it comes to the symptoms his bond goes threw when you leave, when you talk, speak, everything else. But what I think is so interesting is that his body goes threw withdrawal symptoms when your no longer near. Sometimes it's so strong you can listen to when they think."

"Does this mean Jin is like addicted to me, sometimes when Jin is really angry or sad I can hear voices that's not mine. But it sounds like Jin."

"No that is not what I'm saying, I'm honestly not quite sure what's going on with his body. But it mimics the symptoms of withdrawal. See that's exactly what I'm saying, you two have such a special bond that in your past life you two were mates also."

"He's going to be ok though right? I'm not going to lose my mate?"

"No! no, that is not what I'm saying. Go check on him, make sure he's ok. He seems to only want to talk or do anything with you"

I smile and rush out of the room and to the room I was given by the doctor, I walk into the room to see a lifeless Jin laying on the bed. The doctors are trying to regulate his heart beat and breathing.

"Sir I'm sorry you can't be in here right now, were trying to regulate him right now."

"I'm his mate I can help, Please let me try!"

They hesitantly nod and I slowly walk over to my baby, when I touch is hand it jolts towards the touch. and his heart beat dramatically slows down, to a steady beat. The doctors are looking at me stunned.

"Could you please take the breathing tube out? I know I take get him to breath normally."

They slowly start to feed the tube out of his throat and he gasps for air as it comes out fully. his breathing is slow and shallow as my thumb swipes across his cheek. I look at the nurses as they look at me with fear or surprise I can't really tell anymore.

"Could you give us a minuet please?" They nod and rush out of our room.

"Jin baby, please wake up, everything is going to be ok I'm here for you and with you." I speak lowly and Jin heart beat increases just a little bit but goes back down.

"Seokjin, I have amazing news but I need to wake up for me to tell you." I say with a coaxing voice.

"Baby, we can try again, we can still have a family, I wanna be able to have pups with you again. And not gonna lie I love the process in order to make the cutest little pup I could imagine. I don't even have to see him and I could tell he would be beautiful."

His eyes flatter open and his face goes from sad to happy in 0.0000001 seconds. He almost jumps off the bed and I have to brace myself so I don't fall.

"That's just is Namjoon, I can't give you the pups and the family you want." His face goes back to sad as he slowly rolls off me and onto the bed.

"Jin baby, I have some new but I think you should lay down completely and get comfortable."

He nods and crawls backwards and gets comfortable on the cloud like pillows and looks at me with a little pout.

"You were gonna have t-twins, but that man only took one womb. And your protein protected the other. So your still pregnant with a male omega, I can't smell the female anymore. And I can smell my own pups, I could tell you anything you want to know just by smelling your belly. That's why I nuzzled your belly that one day, I was scenting the pups and finding out what our would be."

"W-w-ere g-gonna have a-a m-male o-omega" He says between sobs and pants. I nod my head as tears gather into my eyes as well, Jin slowly crawls over to me and sits on my lap.

"That mean we can't have sex for 9 month's." He playfully shakes his head as he kisses my check.

"I looked it up you can still give me blowjobs." I wiggle my eyebrows and Jin giggles.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me, It's your fault I can only get off to your ass or your hand! OR YOUR MOUTH!" I playfully yell, he giggles again and plays with the back of my hair. My hands find purchase on his waist, he sexually grabs my hands and puts them on his ass.

"Jin we aren't aloud to do this in here, and I don't wanna hurt our baby." He whines and moves on my lap, I takes every little thing to not grab him and fuck him into the hospital bed.

"But joonie~ I'm hard and I want your dick shoved up my ass right now!" He whines and playfully hits my chest, he grinds harder into my already hard dick. I push Jin down onto the bed and start kissing him neck, he whines and moans as he grips my hair and pulls roughly.

"J-oonie please I-I want m-more" I softly kiss his sweet spot and he moans in my ear. I pull away and fix my shirt pulling Jin up and fixing his hair and clothes. He looks at me with disbelief and whines when I walk out of the room.

I walk towards Dr. Marks office and I knock softly waiting for a quiet 'Come in'

"Ok so this is a really big rush but would it hurt the pup to have sex with the mother, during pregnancy?" I almost scream as I rush over to her desk. She laughs and shakes her head as she laughs at me running out of the office towards Jin's room.

"Ok lets go! I need your ass now and I don't feel like fucking you in a hospital. Your wounds are healed and I can fuck you as hard as I want."

Jin laughs and nods as I rush him out of the hospital and into my car, I rush home and into the house carrying Jin over my shoulder and throwing him on the bed. I pull my shirt over my head showing my bulge threw my pants and my pulsing muscles.

Jin moans as I pull him by the ankles closer, he yelps and sits up pulling me by my hair closer to him and towards his mark on him neck. I lick and bite his mate mark all over again earning resulting in his moans and whines becoming over baring for my dick to handle.

"Daddy! I-I want m-more!"

"You really are trying to make this scenario worse for you~"


A/N Jin being an omega mean he heals really quickly, that's why he's already ok to have sex with Namjoon.

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