Chapter 17

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Namjoon POV

It has been a long fucking week, I've been having amazing sex with my princess and I couldn't be happier. But Jin was very hesitant for me to do anything, I wanna ask him what's wrong but I don't wanna push the subject. I heard him crying in the bathroom after his heat was done, I was really worried but I couldn't do anything about it, don't blame me! I tried helping but he wouldn't let me in the bathroom.

Jin went to go make breakfast for the both of us because we have hardly been out of the room more then five minutes. Well I went out there to get water but Jin followed me and I ended up fucking him on his kitchen counter. We did clean up after wards I'm not an animal!

"Babe, we don't have any ingredients to make pancakes we're gonna have to go to the store!" Jin yells from the kitchen "ok let's me put my shirt back on!" I yell back as I'm carefully putting my shirt on over my raw and bloody back, god you know your doing a good job when it comes to Jin, he will leave evidence of the pleasure.

I walk out of our room and to the entry hall, I put my shoes on and patiently wait for Jin to get ready. He walks over to me holding a lost I assume is our grocery list. "Ok you ready!" You smiles brightly at me as he puts his shoes on, "yep let's got this over with, you are a fucking trooper if you can walk today" I explain as I stare at his ass and lick my lips. He slaps my chest and laughs as I snap out of my thoughts, "Stop~We just went through a week of never ending sex and your staring at my ass again"

I chuckle and nod as I think of how I'm gonna do it next time, oh great a have a boner starting. Great. We drive to the store and pick up more flour, sugar eggs, backing powder and the other necessary ingredients as drive home.

As we drive back into the drive way Jin's mouth hangs wide open and he doesn't even get out of the car. "Baby?..........Jin? What's wrong" he doesn't answer me and just runs out of the car and into the house, I fallow him quickly and stop because I almost ran into him.


He screams as he walks over to him and slaps his straight across the face leaving a bright red mark. I walk up to him and hold his waist as he straggles to get loose. "Baby, stop. What's going on with you?!" I half yell as he knees me in the stomach but I hold his in my arms anyways, "let me go that fucker deserves to die!" He yells at the top of his lungs, I look at his dad and he has a smug smirk ridden on his face.

"Son, this is no way to talk to your father." He explains as Jin gets more violent and punches my chest and knees me repeatedly just to get out of my grip, in his haste he knees my dick and I groan and fall foreword into the wall and hold myself up holding my aching dick.

I hear someone straggling and I turn around to Jin pinned to the wall with a hand around his throat, I see red and all my pain goes away as I rush over to the victim. I feel a sharp pain on my neck and my vision comes back to see this man holding my neck tightly as I'm pushed up and lifted off the ground. I straggle but his hold tightened and I start gasping for breath. I open my eyes to see an evil smile spread across his face with Jin crying in front of me trying to get him to let me go.

He finally drops me and I fall to the ground limp as I cough and gasp for air, Jin runs up to me and holds my head on his lap stroking my hair. "Wh-y w-would you do t-that d-dad" he says quietly, "Because that bitch tried to attack me when I was punishing you, this is the reason I did that to you at such a young age beautiful" "Don't call me that!" "Oh please, when Jake was doing all that shit to you, we were asking him to call you much worse!" I grow confused as I hear there conversation back and forth. "What the fuck, I was screaming for him to stop. I was 10 dad my first heat and you exploited that for fucking money, your the reason I don't let people near me when I'm in heat!" He screams at the last part and I feel tears rolling down my face at his statement.

"Beautiful the only reason I did that was because you came of age, and I didn't have to worry about you getting pregnant! But I also got 10 thousand just for you guy to fuck you" he said nonchalantly as he crosses his arms and sits down on the couch. "You dick, I didn't ask for this. I wanted a family, I want kids and you took ya away from me! I can't have children with my mate!" I look up to see tears rolling down Jin's face and I try to move my arms, but they don't wanna move.

My whole body is numb, I can't move anything the only thing moving is my chest to keep me breathing. "What it's not like someone would want kids with a whore like you" he finishes stating, I want to so bad just tell him off and tell him I love his son, I want a family with his son. I want to marry him and have a family, but he took that away from us, from Jin.

He walks out of the door and out of the house and Jin puts his attention on me, he wipes the tears away and cry's harder seeing me so lifeless.

I have been laying on the floor with my head on Jin's lap for a hour and I can move my arms so I stroking Jin's hair as he falls asleep. I finally move my legs and manage to pick Jin up and put him on the bed. I seriously wanna know what the fuck happened an hour ago, but I can definitely tell it's a sore subject.

I go to make something for us to eat and I come across a note.

'Dear Jin,
              I'm really looking forward to seeing you again, you were an amazing fuck and I wanna be inside your tight hold again. The way you screamed when I came inside you was heaven to my ears. I'm coming back to Korea tomorrow and I can finally see your beautiful face twisted and mangled from the pleasure your receiving from me!
                          Love, Jake

"I just want you to know, I absolutely hated him and his disgusting personality!" I'm startled when I ear Jin behind me, I drop the note on the floor and Jin picks it up reading it again. "I was 10 and my dad wanted to leave me and my mother but he didn't have money, so he say the opportunity when his "castrated" son went through his first heat, and he sold my virginity off to one of his friends Jake. You know how an omega will always seek help from an alpha, ya well this one was different it's like my body knew that it wasn't my mate and tried stopping him, but he didn't stop he only stoped when blood and cum were leaking from my abused hole. And payed my dad 10 grand for the "help""

He finished explaining and I see the tears falling from his face, I hug him tightly and lead him back to bed. I pull him closer to me as I lay down with him on top of me. We both drift of to sleep and I slowly dream of what was running through his head in order to that to his only son.

"Jin is exactly where we want him sir, vulnerable and weak. And his mate is nothing to impressive."

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