Chapter 27

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Seokjin POV

As soon as those words leave my mouth Namjoon's attacking my neck, I moan and run my hands up his clothed back and into his hair. I hear groans of approval by namjoon and I grind upwards into his already hardened dick.

I still have a small pain in my stomach from my surgery incision, but honestly it's really not that bad. I still can't believe heal really quickly because it comes in handy.

Especially when I get hurt I can easily heal, but right now......No, that isn't really the best thing right now, when I am so hard, so needy, producing so much slick. My Pheromones are going crazy begging Namjoon to just fuck me nice and hard.

I whine out in pain as namjoon accidentally touches my scar, he instantly retracts his hands and his mouth from my neck and holds my hands in his.

"Baby, I don't want to do this if your still in pain"

"No, I'm not I-in pain!"

"Baby, I get it you wanna have sex. But I do not and I repeat. I WILL NOT HAVE SEX IF YOUR IN PAIN"

I slowly nod as he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it up slightly to see my very visible scar, considering I just got stitches yesterday I believe.

Namjoon holds my sides as he looks my scar with what looks like hatred in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to help you, or your pup"

I cup his face and bring him closer as I peck his cheek and stroke his cheeks with my thumb.

"Our pup, and I don't care as long as you actually helped me. And you came for me"

I smile as I bring him closer and hug him tightly.

"But we still have one on the way! And a male! You'll have a male omega as a mate and pup. Isn't that exiting!"

I laugh and smile at him, he has a huge smile plastered on him face with his two adorable dimples on ether side. So adorable I reach up and poke both with the tips of my fingers.

"It's exiting just have one omega in my life, but it's a extra fucking bonus having two! Hell just having a pup with you is amazing, I don't care if it a girl or boy, I don't even care if it's a alpha, beta, or omega."

I feel tears trickle down my cheeks at Namjoon's words, I know I lost one of my pups but we still have one. And Namjoon did he smelt two omegas, one girl, one boy.

It's just a blessing that I got pregnant at all, and it's a miracle that my doctor didn't actually take my eggs. But that means so much unprotected sex I could have had with Namjoon!

He could unload his warm, hot cum and paint the inside of me. Or have me bouncing on his dick, and have his cum leaking out of my hole even thought I'm still having so much fun sav-

Ok I'm getting carried away, but you get the point right?

"You think you can stop us Namjoon? Seokjin will be mine! And no one can stop me!"

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