Chapter 22

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Namjoon POV

I wake up to go to the bathroom but I see the study room light on, I get curious because Jin's mom went to bed. I slowly wake to the door to see Jin at the desk watching something on the computer monitor.

I see something over his shoulder to see Jin masturbating? I scrunch up my face and the only thing the comes to mind is to ask Jin what the hell he's watching.


He flinches and turns the computer off takes something out of the monitor and hides it behind his back.

"What are you doing?"

"N-Nothing, I just couldn't sleep"

I slowly nod my head and go to the bathroom as intended, as I'm doing my business I can't help but think back to what Jin was watching.

'I saw him, with his dick out, pumping it like his life depended on it. I'm not gonna lie, It was really hot. I didn't think watching my mate abusing his cock was so entertaining.'

I finish using the bathroom, and walk to the bedroom to see Jin sitting on the bed with his hands in his lap. I say his name but he is in his own world because he doesn't look up from the dresser.

"Jin" I say louder and he flinches and then looks at me.

"Are you ok?" I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"No" he says quietly and puts his head in his hands.

"What's wrong? talk to me" I start rubbing his back as I comfort him.

"As we were finishing know what.....I looked over towards the dresser and I see a flashing red light. I get up after you fell asleep and check where the lights coming from and it was a small hidden camera. I was in the study dismantling the camera trying to find any trace of who put it there. But then I found a V-card, I put It in the computer monitor, thinking it was information. It started playing recording from 493 hours ago. It was recording me when I was having my heat, when we had sex, when I cried, everything. For the past 493 hours."

I look over at Jin and I see a small single tear roll down form his right eye, I whip it away with the pads of my thumbs.

"Hey, Your ok. Everything is gonna be ok, well find who did this and call the police."

I say quietly as he nods slowly

I lay down and pull Jin to lay on top of my chest, I kiss the top of his head and slowly drift back to sleep.

Seokjin POV

It's been three weeks and I've been really sick, I eat something and I throw it back up. I wake up, I throw up. I've been really lazy, I've got the urge to make a nest thing. I don't know what the fuck is happening to me, so I decides to go to the doctors. It getting harder to hide this from Namjoon.

I wait in the waiting room, my hands are sweaty and my breathing is short.

"Kim Seokjin!"

I snap my head up and walk towards the nurse, she smiles and walks me back to the room I'm assigned. I wait a couple minuets and a small knock is heard as the door opens.

I smile and shake his hand, he sits down and taps on his tablet before looking my direction.

"I'm just gonna ask some basic question, you are not implemented to answer." I smile and nod

"How old are you?"


'Alpha, Beta, or Omega'




'Sexual active?'

'Y-yes' I blush

'How often?'

'We generally have sex a couple times a week'

'Any chance your pregnant?'

'No definitely not'

"Ok, I'm gonna need a blood sample and urine sample."

I nod and take the cup he gives me and goes to the bathroom. I come back and give the doctor a urine filled cup and head to the lab for my blood sample. I HATE needles so I need to close my eyes, and bit my lip really hard in order not to flinch and hurt myself.

He inserts the needle into my vein and takes the blood needed for their testing.

"All done, I hope I didn't hurt you." she says in a really sweet voice and bows her head, I bow back and say thank you as I walk back into the room and wait.

A small knock is heard after about 30 minuets of waiting.

"Hi Seokjin, We have your results here."

I gulp and feel my hands sweat, my legs swing freely on the table as the doctor looks up from the table.



A/N Sorry guys

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