Chapter 11

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This chapter will change from a singular POV to a third person POV

Namjoon POV

'Fuck you Kim Seokjin and your perfect body, Fuck your perfect lips, Fuck your perfect ass, Fuck the amazing way on how you grind, Fuck you naughty hands, Just fuck you, I love you, but fuck you.' I'm literally cursing at myself as I'm sitting in my first class with a bad (amazingly huge) boner. I'm sitting in chemistry talking about the reproductive chemicals needed to have sex, testosterone, dopamine, vasopressin ECT. The terrible part is one of my old 'contacts' sit's right next to me 'great'. I was bouncing my leg trying to distract myself from the feeling of Jin's lips on mine, his beautiful hips and ass working together to create this fucking problem.

I was thinking a little to much when I feel a hand on my thigh, and it's working it's way up. Know that I finally found my mate and I absolutely love him and I can finally stop fucking so many girls, I feel disgusted, I feel used I know Jin would never use me for my dick and I love him more then anyone in my life right now and forever. I go to push it away and it starts crawling up my leg and my boner is finally dying down. 'Thank you lord' I use all my strength to push that fucking hand away but it comes back, but higher "STOP IT!" I whisper yell at her and she just smirks at me, her hand is right on the outline of dick and I angrily groan and stand up, the process in which flips the chair, falling hard on the ground with a very loud thud. "I said stop!" I repeated again and she has a frown on her face and puts her head down, I grab my bag and walk out of class.

I walk out of class and down the hall, "NAMJOON!" the same girl yells towards me from across the hallway, "what the fuck do you want?" I ask this anger and annoyance lacing my voice, her face is hanging lowly and never brings her head up. "you used to have me bent over the bathroom counter by now, what is wrong with you?". "Seriously, 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' what the fuck is wrong with you, You have a fucking mate! Go grab his dick during class, Oh right you don't actually like your mate. Which is fucked up by the way, especially when you can obviously see your mate mark. But do you wanna know something I found my mate, and HE'S the love of my life. I'm sorry that I actually love my mate and want to hang out with him!". I practically yell at her and walk off before she can anything, I'm so fucking tired of everyone trying to fuck me. The only person I'm ok with doing that is Jin and I know he wants to take things slow. 'But he did agree to come to my house' I was just gonna watch a movie and cuddle since my boner is gone. Thanks to that bitch.

Second period isn't any better I have fucking calculus, with about three horny ass omega's that have been trying to fuck me ever since I found Jin. And they all have been ganging up on me lately, they have been sitting on my lap, moving around getting 'comfortable', but my little friend hasn't been responsive to anyone other then Jin. And I thank 'him' for that, I have only been getting hard by my rut or when Jin is performing sexual-movements, I got a boner watching Jin doing a quiz in History. Which was a sexual-movement but he's just so fucking hot. But the girls in Math have been hilarious, they get angry because I'm not responding before I force them off my lap. Lately I've been really aggressive with them because I'm getting tired of those little whore's. They sit on my lap the second their ass touches my thighs I push them off and they land on the floor with a high pitch squeak.

Third period was really interesting, there's this one girl that sit's right next to me and will ask for help and rub her boobs on my arm as I explain a word to her. Hell, I had to explain the word arousal to her, she made it sound so innocent, twirling her hair with her finger, her chest puffed out and her lips wet with her licking them constantly. I told her to ask the teacher and she stands up and walks in front of my desk and wags her ass like a dog when she walks away, 'Thank god' she is so annoying, constantly asks for help with words that explain themselves. she's even gone so far as to whisper 'seductive' things in my ear as our teacher is teacher, but because my little friend 'even though he's not actually little' is only responsive to Jin. And I think god for that, the slightest touch from Jin anywhere lower then my collarbone area, I can feel my dick twitching and my hormones going haywire.

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