Chapter 4: Old Times

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This chapter is a little teaser to what the Good Old days will be about..

You're welcome!!

⚠(Warning: Violence)⚠

Naruto's P.O.V

My eyes blurred blurry visions as I opened my eyes weakly, feeling myself sitting down now.

Damn.. What happened?

I groaned and cracked my neck a bit, a loud pop ringing out in the semi dark room.

My body felt weak and my eyes stung.. quickly reminding me of that bulllshitty medicine from long ago that weakened.. my powers.

My eyes snapped open and I looked ahead of me, my arms strapped down to a wooden chair, my legs also strapped.

Damn this..

I stared directly into proud, dark eyes, my eyes narrowing at his familiar face.

I gritted my teeth and lowered my head, inspecting the male fully standing in front of me.

How dare he...

"Menma.. You fucker!" I hissed out but stiffened when a pistol was shoved at the side of my forehead, the unknown man soon cocking it.

Menma clapped his hands in happiness, a smirk on his face "Wow. After 10, long years and look where you came back to. You didn't think we'll leave business unfinished, did you?" He asked amusingly making me growl, my eyes narrowing dangerously upon his older form.

The only thing different on him was his night black hair which was longer than normal, his voice a tad deeper too.. now that I'm really listening to it.

My breathing escalated drastically from my built up rage, my eyes darkening.

"What do you mean? Things finished when you ratted me out.. I went to jail and I started my life over...You're just looking for some attention, as always, cousin." I snarled out making him narrow his eyes.

He nodded his head at the male beside me on which he nodded, taking the gun away from my head and deciding to slam it down on the back of my head making me groan, my head falling down in pain.

"What, what do you want?" I groaned out, lifting my head to spare a glance at Menma.

He chuckled and nodded again, but to someone I couldn't see..

"Bring out the special medicine. It's time." He said darkly, and on cue two men came from the darkness, holding a syringe filled up with a ooky black substance, the smell making me gag.

No way.. are they about to inject me with that.

But what can I do? My powers are gone. And I'm strapped down.

I grunted and looked around, Stefan, Ray and Leo nowhere in sight.

Dammit. Where did they take them?

I struggled in my binds, the chair moving wildly "Fuck off. You all can just go fuck yourselves!" I shouted as I stared at the syringe that kept creeping closer. One of the men, raising it up at me.

I shoved my head away from it and narrowed my eyes, my body turnt away from it, my breathing increasing.

Menma laughed loudly at my fear, his eyes shining in amusement "Oh damn. This is a sight to watch. You must be curious as to why you're about to meet this little bugger here..."

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