Chapter 8: Dark Changes

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(Warning: Dark chapter, contains Violent, Mature Content)

Naruto's P.O.V

I sighed in boredom and blew my blonde hair out of my eyes as Ray quickly tied a long rope around me, I'm now sitting in the living room, Ray's eyes narrowed in concentration.

Leo hummed as he walked back and forth, clearing the kitchen of knives and other things I can get my hands on.

I stared at them as they both work frantically and couldn't help but chuckle "Is this all really necessary? I can control myself.. I promise." I said and grunted as Ray tightened the rope around my waist and arms tightly, my ass placed down tightly to the tall chair.

"Nope. We're not taking any chances. We know what you're capable of.. Even this, won't hold. All you have to do is compel us to untie you. You're the shit man." Ray hissed out and looked around for a blindfold, Leo walking out of the kitchen towards us.

"Everything good?" He asked and smirked at the sight of me making me raise an eyebrow.

"I'm fine.. Thanks for asking." I growled out making them both snicker but then suddenly, the doorbell rung making us all turn to it, my eyes narrowing.

Leo sighed and walked towards it, passing by me swiftly "I'll get it." He groaned out on which I turned around, my hands tied down to my sides, and my back facing the front door.

Leo soon opened the door and gasped at the sight who was behind it, his green eyes widening in surprise.

"Hinata? What are you, doing here?"

He asked as I listened intently, my eyes darkening at her meer name.

What's, wrong with me?

I shook my head and breathed in and out, clearing my head of my dark memories.

I have to keep in mind, that Hinata, is the love of my life.

She's my girlfriend.

I have to ignore the memories that's telling me otherwise.

They're all just lies..

Hinata looked all around the spacious house but then gasped at the sight of me, ignoring Leo's questions and rushing to my aid.

She ran around my chair and bend down to me, my eyes widening at the sight of her.

Her eyes matched mine and she cupped my cheeks softly, caressing them gently "Naruto.. I've found something that can help you. I'm not entirely sure if it will work.. But, it's worth the try right?" She asked with a warm smile while I stared blankly at her, using all of my restraint to not rip her clothes off, right here at this moment.

Has she always looked this gorgeous?

She looks so beautiful..

It makes me, a little.. excited.

My cock rose up in my pants and my eyes darkened, my tongue slipping out to lick at my dry lips "Really, Hinata? Now isn't that great, huh?" I said slyly making her sigh, she now stepping back to dig through her purse.

A small rattle came out from her movement and she pulled out a brown bag, the rattling continuing.

I watched her as well as Ray, Leo closing and locking the front door back and walking up to join us.

She slowly took out a bottle of clear pills and a syringe with a white substance in it, her eyes focused on her task.

She then looked back at me and smiled "I didn't know how you would like to take the medicine so I asked for both. I was told to get off early.. So.. I did, for you, Naruto." She said with a huge blush on her cheeks making me smile, my eyes lighting up a bit.

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