Chapter 15: Old Feelings

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Decided to do a double upload!!
Enjoy!! Well..


⚠(Warning: Dark chapter.. Contains Mature Content)⚠

Hinata's P.O.V

I stared at back at a now woke Naruto in shock, my mouth opening and closing slowly, no words seeming to come out.

"N-Naruto.. Y-You're awake? B-But how?" I whispered out and he finally let go of my neck, getting off of the bed slowly.

He cracked his neck a bit and stretched, humming softly to try to find his voice.

Once he found it, he sighed, walking further away from me as I stayed rooted on the bed..

"Well.. Let's just say.. A force, pushed me out of my deep, dark hell..." He simply said and walked over to my dresser, staring at the many pictures that painted it, his head tilting in confusion.

"Huh.. This, is new." He whispered to himself and picked up a portrait of him and me.. smiling, at each other. Our eyes showing great depths of love.

He turned back to me and showed it to me, my trembling eyes staring up at it "Explain, bitch." He spat and I gulped, my body trembling against the bed..

This... This man, isn't the Naruto I love. He's, the side of him that I fear.. That means the medicine worked.. It was successful in changing him.

Oh no.

He narrowed his eyes at my silence and came marching up towards me, ready to bring harm to me, my body sliding back more on the bed, away from him..

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you. Please.. Don't hurt me." I pleaded and covered my face with my hands as I saw the deadly spark in his eyes, his body now before me.

He growled down upon me at my weakness, his hand still holding onto the picture of us.

"Well then.. Get to talking." He demanded and sat down in front of me, practically shoving the picture into my lap.

I stared down at my younger, pregnant, self and Naruto's much younger, leaner self.. We both smiling.

We, were both, happy. And I want to experience that feeling again...

Hopefully, I can...

I looked back up at him and smiled, ignoring the deadly look he sent me "I, love you, Naruto. We love, each other. You even proposed to me.. What? You, don't remember?" I pouted out and even showed it to him, extending my hand out so he could see the very expensive ring on my finger.

He looked at me confused and back down at the ring, tilting his head at it "I, don't remember giving you that. Are you fucking with me?" He spat out and faced me again, one of his eyebrows raised.

I shook my head and gulped at the way he worded his questions, my heart pumping faster "O-Of course not. Wh-Why would I do that?" I asked with a small pout, his eyes widening at the sight of me.

He turned away from me quickly and cursed, moving to stand up "St-Stop doing that.." He muttered out and I frowned, standing up to match him.

What's going on with him?

"Stop, d-doing what?" I pouted once more and he peeked at me, his body tensing up and his erection sprouting out immediately making my eyes widen.

He cursed again but smirked darkly, his eyes flashing darker to the sudden idea that popped up in his mind "Fine.. If you love me so much. Then, how about you get on your knees and be a good girl. You know the deal, right?" He asked darkly and sent me a knowing glance, a blush staining my cheeks but I nodded instantly..

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