Track 7: Bored

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Chapter 7
'Just pretend that you don't know me and I'm just a stranger to you. Like we already are.'

Chapter's song: Bored-Billie eilish
Shin-hye's POV:

"Taehyung." It came out as a whisper but it was the only thing that came out and it took everything in me to keep my voice steady.
I didn't have time to remind myself that I shouldn't talk to him. He came unnoticed, just like he did the first time.

His hair was mullet now and a different shade of blonde that was all messy and neatly reaching his eyes. His face was chubbier and his chocolate brown eyes that I fell in love with held so many emotions that I couldn't understand. He was wearing a loose white long-sleeved dress shirt along with black pants that were ripped at the knees.

There's was a lot I wanted to tell him. A lot I wanted to say. Like how bad I missed having him and how I longed for our long deep conversations that kept us up all night. Sadly when reality came crashing down on me, I remembered how hard I cried when he left me broken at my birthday on my doorsteps, the countless nights I lost sleep thinking how I meant nothing to him the entire time, how stupidly I waited for him to text or merely leave a voice mail asking how I was doing and mostly how I badly wished every day for him to hug me and laugh saying that it was all a really bad prank and that he loved me as much as I did. All of the above never happened.
How I hated myself for wishing that it did and how I hated him for knowing that he wouldn't.
It's not like I was going to say all that and it's not like he would care.

He stared at me from head to toe before his eyes rested on mine and I didn't see in them the softness that was always there and it hurt that I didn't. He swallowed fisting his hand on his sides and I held his gaze feeling the pain grow in my chest. His voice was so deep as he spoke clasping his hands. He opened his mouth then closed it. In a loss of words maybe. Was there anything left to say really?

"What are you doing here?" he gestured his hand at me for a whole second before placing it back in his pockets as he took in my appearance.

I was taken aback and I blinked twice swallowing so hard my throat hurt.
Not even a How are you?
What did you expect Shin-Hye? That he would finally go back to being the guy you fell in love with? That guy is gone and replaced by someone entirely else. Someone I don't recognize.

I shook my head and took a controlling breath. I opened my mouth to say something, anything that would make him go away and leave me alone but he was quick to speak.

"You know, you were always the type of girl that preferred staying at home studying or watching movies, not the expensive parties girl... but I guess I was wrong." He spat and I felt the tears threatening to fall but I managed to keep them at bay.

He stared at me through his brown eyes that held no emotions but disdain and I managed to hold his gaze. I didn't know what he wanted from me anymore or why he still has it in him to talk to me after he made it clear over and over again that we're from two worlds moving in parallel planes and can't seem to meet and fight against all odds no matter how hard they try.

I wanted to scream at him but then felt someone hug me to their side.
"Hey gummy bear, I'm sorry that I couldn't finish my speech earlier. Sorry, I left you waiting."

I looked up meeting Mark's smile and smiled warily back. He looked at me then seemed confused upon seeing Taehyung. I heard Taehyung mutter something sarcastic under his breath and his gaze went to Mark's hand around my shoulder.

No, it couldn't be. I'm just imagining stuff.

"Are you Shin-Hye's friend? I think I know you from somewhere?" he asked furrowing his brows and Taehyung only raised a brow at him. He once was everything to me, I wanted to say but I guess good things don't last long.
I'm not gonna be weak again. The old park is gone.

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