Track 15: Spring Breeze

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Chapter's song:Spring Breeze- Wanna
One (love this song!)
Dedication : SunshinePapisdimples swaggygurl99 thank you for your cute comments!

Shin-hye'S P.O.V:

I woke up pretty exhausted the next day. I couldn't sleep well last night. I didn't know I was gonna run into him.
When I looked up from his warm chest I was captivated by those chocolate eyes and just like that I couldn't avert my gaze away from his.

It was like he was the only one there. He was so close and I could feel his breath fanning my face. I sighed hating myself for thinking him as I got out of bed and hurried downstairs.

"Morning mom, how are you today?"

She smiled and turned off the stove. "I'm great honey. I made you hoeddeok (sweet syrup pancakes) and there's orange juice in the fridge."

I nodded kissing her on the cheek "Where's dad? I didn't see him after the runway."

"Your father went early to work today. An urgent meeting he said. I have to go now honey. I'll see you in the afternoon." I nodded and she hugged me before grabbing her purse and making her way outside.

We finally arrived at school and the moment I got out of the bus I felt everyone's eyes on me.
What's gotten to them?

They were whispering while giving sideway glances.

"What's going on?" I whispered more to myself.
I felt an arm rest around my shoulder and I looked up to see Jimin smiling warmly at me.

"Don't mind them. They're just their normal annoying selves."

I nodded worry swirling in my chest as we made our way inside.

When I was nearing my locker, I found J-hope leaning against it in deep thought. He saw me coming and quickly stood straighter smiling but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"It's a shiny day right? I mean, it's amazing for sitting outside at lunch. I -"

I quickly cut him off. "J-hope. What's wrong?"

He sighed. "My pretty little baby, I need to tell you something." I nodded for him to continue but he was interrupted by the bell. He sighed and motioned for me to walk next to him for class but with that look in his eyes I was sensing something was definitely wrong.


We headed to our first class which is thankfully vocal training. It's one of those classes that always included the cheery and positive attitude that Mr. Jack had.
I sat next to my friends and I could still feel their piercing eyes at me but I tried to ignore them. Just then Mr. Jack entered dressed up in knee ripped jeans with a long white t-shirt and a yellow sneakers.

He spoke cheerfully and excitedly as usual. "Okay guys, so before we start I wanna tell you that the audition results will be hanged out at lunch and you would know who will be participating in this year's musical! I really wish you all good luck and I want you to know that it was really hard to choose the students because you're all talented."

There were a lot of really talented students among us and I was afraid I didn't do enough.

He cleared his throat and continued. "As I was saying, results will be revealed and for those who couldn't make it don't be disappointed or think that you're not talented enough cause we were choosing according to how much the performance delivered emotions either through the song or the dance and don't worry cause the practices will be after school so that your classes won't be affected. Now, back to our lesson today we'll be practicing together the sonata of Beethoven that I have with me here and in this way you'll be able to sing in different genres. Now, let's start."

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