Chapter 2

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"That was amazing, wasn't it guys?!", Izzy screamed as the lights in the stadium came back on and everyone began to file out of their seats. "Hell yeah! Magnus rocks hard!", Jace yelled, still filled with excitement and adrenaline from the high-energy concert. "What about you Alec? What did you think?", asked Izzy, nudging him in the arm as they slowly filed out of their row of seats. Alec chuckled, "Actually... I didn't hate it!", he confessed, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm still not so much a fan of rock, but the lyrics to his songs actually had some substance, which I didn't expect so that was a nice surprise". "Wow!", Izzy replied in a dramatic fashion. "Even Alexander Lightwood had a good time. Magnus Bane must have magical powers or something!", Izzy joked, causing Alec to roll his eyes at her. As Alec finally reached the end of the row, a staff person suddenly stopped him, causing Jace and Izzy to crash into his back. "Hello sir", said the gentlemen. "My name is Steven, and I am pleased to inform you that you and your friends have been randomly selected to have a meet and greet with Mr. Magnus Bane himself, should you choose to accept", said the man with a large grin on his face. As Alec heard the news, his jaw fell open, not quite believing what he was hearing. "Are you serious?!", screamed Izzy from behind him who had started jumping up and down frantically. "Holy shit!", yelled Jace, now grabbing his own face in shock. "Yes!", said Steven. "If you all would follow me this way, I will bring you to meet him in his dressing room!", he finished, waving the three out of the isle. "Move Alec!", Izzy screamed at her brother who still had his mouth wide open. "Oh. Right", he mumbled, walking out into the isle to follow Steven. "Ok. Right this way!", Steven said, now leading the siblings out of the crowd, through several doors, and down many hallways, flashing his badge at each new entrance.

Izzy had linked arms with both Jace and Alec as they followed Steven, still not able to control her excitement. "Oh my god you guys I cant believe this is actually happening! I wonder what he's like! Oh my god he's so hot! I can't believe we're going to get to touch him! Clary will be so jealous! Oh my god!", she continued screaming the entire way there. Finally, Steven came to a stop in front of one last door and turned around to quickly brief them. "Ok. So this is going to be fairly quick. Mr. Bane has another show to play tomorrow and he needs to get some rest, but he always likes to meet some fans after the show. Once we enter, you'll have about ten minutes with him. Does that sound ok?", Steven asked, waiting for their confirmation. The three siblings nodded in agreement, too excited and nervous to even speak. "All right then", Steven said, now opening the door and waving them inside. As they entered the room, Magnus Bane was sitting in an armchair, fiddling with his guitar, a martini on the table next to him. He still had his heavy stage makeup on, dark eyeliner and shimmer all over his skin. As Magnus saw the people enter, he looked up from his guitar and smirked, setting it down and standing up to greet them. Izzy immediately let go of her brothers and walked straight to Magnus, her eyes wide and barely able to control herself. "Oh my god! Magnus Bane!", Izzy shouted almost on the verge of tears. "Hello love", Magnus replied, extending his arms for a hug. Izzy squealed and embraced him. "Oh my god I just hugged Magnus Bane! Ahhhhh!". "That you did my dear", Magnus chuckled, used to people reacting this way when they met him.

"Ummm, hi!", Jace said, stepping forward and extending his hand. Magnus shook it as Jace continued to speak. "I'm Jace, and this is my sister Izzy. We are really big fans. I mean, "Solo Summer" is one of my all time favorite rock anthems. You are a pure genius sir", Jace said, eyes wide as he smothered Magnus with praise. "Well that's very kind of you", Magnus replied, giving him a half-smile. Magnus then looked around Jace's shoulder at the beautiful man who was still standing back and hadn't said a word, his head hanging as he fiddled with his fingers. "And who might you be?", Magnus asked, clearly addressing Alec. Alec's head jolted up quickly, his face reddening as he stuttered. "Oh umm, I-I just came along with my brother and sister", Alec finally said, not wanting the attention to be on him. "He's our brother Alec", Izzy said with a smirk. "He's not that big into rock music as he says". "Well...", Magnus continued, making eye contact with him once again and flashing him a coy smile. "I'm still glad you came all the same". There was a beat of silence in the room as Magnus continued to stare into Alec's eyes. Alec tried to look away, but he couldn't for some reason. It was almost like he had been entranced or charmed somehow. "Wow! Is that the guitar you used on stage?!", Jace blurted out, breaking the silence and causing the two men's eye contact to end as Magnus answered all of Izzy and Jace's questions, in addition to taking several selfies. "Ok Mr. Bane!", Steven finally said after about ten minutes. "It's time to wrap it up". "Oh you're always such a party popper Steven". Steven rolled his eyes as Magnus continued.

"Oh all right. Well before you go, let's all take a tequila shot, yes?!", Magnus yelled excitedly, walking over to a cabinet and pulling out a very fancy looking bottle. "Hell yeah!", yelled Jace. "Well I'm not turning down a shot with Magnus Bane!", Izzy yelled as Magnus filled four shot glasses, handing them each to person and lastly walking over to Alec and extending the last shot glass with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, someone has to drive, right?", said Alec, looking down and not taking the glass. "Oh all right then", Magnus replied, giving him a dramatic frown. "More for me!", he yelled as Izzy, Jace, and Magnus clinked glasses and downed their shots. Minutes later people were shaking hands, exchanging hugs, and saying goodbyes. Izzy and Jace filed out of the room first and Alec was about to turn and leave after them when Magnus extended his hand. "It was very nice to meet you Alec". Alec smiled and awkwardly and grabbed onto his hand, however he felt something strange in his palm. "Ok out you go!", said Steven, ushering Alec out as he broke eye contact with Magnus for the last time that night. As the door was closed in Alec's face and Jace and Izzy were yelling about what had just happened, Alec looked down at his hand. He saw that there was a small piece of paper folded in half. Alec's trembling hand opened it slowly to reveal two words and a phone number: Call me. TBC...

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