Chapter 17

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That night, Alec slept over in Magnus' bed for the first time. While he wasn't ready quite yet to do anything more than kiss, he couldn't fathom having Alec leave him for the night after their special moment: their first kiss. Magnus and Alec kissed one last time before laying down next to each other for the night. "Magnus", Alec whispered in the darkness. "I've thought about it and... I don't think you should come out on the Today Show. I mean, yes I want to share my love for you with the world, but I also want you to be happy. I know having your music is very important to you. I can't ask you to give that up. All that really matters is that we know we love each other. No one can take that away". "Alexander... are you sure?", Magnus asked, knowing how hard it was for Alec to keep their relationship private. "You said you would do anything for me, and so would I, Magnus. I love you too much to see you lose something you've worked so hard at". "I love you too Alexander. And thank you. That means so much to me". - - -

The next day, Alec accompanied Magnus to the Today Show studio, wanting to be there for his nervous boyfriend. "Alexander...", Magnus began , grabbing onto Alec's warm palms. "This is so stupid, but my publicist thinks you should stay in the dressing room. She thinks it might seem strange if a man is standing in the wings to support me". Alec sighed, knowing he was going to hate every second of this; every second that Magnus had to pretend to be something he was not. After a moment of contemplation, Alec replied, looking straight into the soft coco brown eyes of his love. "I understand baby. If this is what you think is best, I'll do whatever you need. I just want you to be happy", Alec finished, stepping closer to his boyfriend, their hands still connected. Magnus smiled a sad smile. While he knew he had to lie to the world in just a few minutes, it would make him anything but happy to do so.

Alec stayed behind and watched the interview on the television in the dressing room, earning a quick kiss from the shaking rock start before they parted ways. "Yes I'm working on my new album right now. It should be coming out early next year", Magnus said, looking so fake happy in front of the cameras. It may not be obvious to the audience, but Alec could tell when Magnus wasn't being genuine, and this was fake happiness if he ever saw it. "Well that's great news! We're all very excited to see what's coming next from you. And speaking about new things...coming out", the interviewer paused to laugh at her own pun. "There have been many rumors circling recently about your love life and those you have been seen with. Would you care to comment on any of that, particularly the mysterious Alec Lightwood?". Alec watched Magnus' face as the camera zoomed in on his beautifully saddened features. Alec could have sworn he saw a flicker of anger as well as the interviewer mentioned his name. "Umm...", Magnus stuttered, trying his best to exude confidence. Just before he spoke, his eyes went blank, all traces of emotion leaving his face. It was as though a statue was speaking. "I have no romantic involvement with anyone at the moment. In fact...I'm not interested in men at all. I am straight", Magnus finished, looking directly into he interviewer's eyes. "Oh! Well you heard it here folks! Magnus Bane is straight! So who is this handsome Alec Lightwood? I'd sure like to take that hunk out on the town sometime, am I right ladies?!", the interviewer laughed, looking back at the camera, speaking to all of America.

Alec watched as Magnus' demeanor suddenly changed, anger bursting from his lips. "Don't talk about him that way! He's more than just a piece of meat for you to ogle! He's an amazing person and he deserves your respect!", Magnus yelled, catching the lady, and himself, off guard by his outburst. The interviewer was shocked into silence, not knowing how to respond. Alec stood up from his chair, not knowing what to do with himself.

"You know what...", Magnus eventually said, filing the silence with his words, shaking his head. "Screw this". Magnus took a deep breath, closing his eyes and saying, "Alexander is my boyfriend. I'm bisexual", Magnus blurted out, now looking into the camera. "And anyone who's bothered by that fact can frankly suck my dick!", Magnus screamed, running off the stage toward the dressing room. Alec saw that he was coming. Knowing Magnus would want to leave immediately, he ran out of the room, meeting Magnus in the hall. "Come on baby", the rock star said, grabbing onto Alec's hand and leading him out of the building. "Let's get out of here". As the boyfriends stepped outside, they were met by a flurry of fans and paparazzi, all snapping pictures of the two leaving. For the first time, Magnus didn't let go of Alec's hand for a second as they walked by and climbed into the car with Steven waiting to take them away. The car began to move, leaving the flashes and the screams behind. It was quiet in the car as Alec stared at the side of Magnus' face, waiting for him to speak. His chest heaved with his labored breath as he continued squeezing tightly onto Alec's hand. After a few minutes, Alec could no longer stand the silence.

"Baby", Alec started softly. "What did you do? I thought we agreed to keep things private. Now you'll lose your music and"—but Alec's sentence was never finished as Magnus' soft lips caught his by surprise. The kiss lasted only a moment, but so many feelings were exchanged in the short time. "I didn't lose a thing, Alexander...I got you". Alec couldn't control the grin the spread across his face as he ducked his head down again to suck on his love's perfect lips, tracing them with his tongue as Magnus released a quiet moan of love and lust into the still car air. As the two men kissed, Magnus felt his pants tighten around his area, knowing in this moment that he wanted to take things a bit further with his love, his Alexander.

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