Chapter 27

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After several days in the hospital, Alec was permitted to take Magnus home. He took time off from work to make sure that Magnus would be settled in properly. Not only that, but Alec and Magnus both knew they would be having a very serious conversation once Magnus got most of his strength back. "Go straight to the bed, Magnus", Alec ordered as they re-entered Magnus' home after leaving the hospital. Magnus simply nodded, knowing he owed Alec so much more than a simple nod. He owed him explanations and promises; promises he hoped he would have the strength to keep. Magnus climbed into his cold bed, flutters of happy, cozy, forgotten memories flashing through his mind as he thought how safe and contented he had felt just days ago, lying here on this same bed in Alec's arms. As he settled in, Alec came close behind him, setting bags down on the floor as he followed his fragile boyfriend. "Lay down Magnus", Alec whispered, watching as the man followed orders. Alec proceeded to lean forward, tucking Magnus in tight to the covers, not wanting him to feel too cold. Alec let out a big sigh as he stared into the eyes of his beautiful, damaged boyfriend. The man he would do anything and everything for. Alec took another deep breath and sat down next to Magnus, stroking the man's face softly as he spoke. "So...", Alec started, not really knowing how to begin. Luckily Alec didn't have to struggle too long as Magnus began to speak. "Alexander I owe you an explanation for everything that happened. I didn't have any intentions to do what I did that night but...", Magnus paused as he began to tear up. Seeing that this was hard for Magnus, Alec reached over to grab onto the man's hand. "It's ok baby. You can tell me anything. Anything", Alec reassured him, nodding for him to continue. "I found out that it was Camille and Lorenzo who were selling stories to the press about us Alexander! I trusted these people and they betrayed me!"

"What?!", Alec yelled, an all-consuming anger filling every inch of his body as he suddenly stood from the bed. "What the fuck?!", Alec screamed, not knowing what to do with his body as his anger was so intense. "I'm gonna have to give them a piece of—"No Alexander! Don't bother! Let's not let them suck another ounce of our happiness away than they already have. Baby, please sit back down. Come back here", Magnus begged, afraid that Alec was going to get in a physical altercation if he left right now. Alec's brow furrowed as he filled Magnus' request. Magnus grasped onto both of Alec's hands, pulling him closer, desperately clinging onto the man he loved. "I was even more upset considering everything Camille and Lorenzo had helped me through the last time I was having trouble with drugs. I was weak, I was selfish, and I was stupid!", Magnus yelled and cried. "And I'm sorry. I'm- I'm—"But Magnus was cut off as Alec had pressed his face fully against the rock star's, connecting his lips with the man he loved, allowing his pure and fervent feelings to take him over. The two felt an immense sense of closeness as they kissed, feebly clinging onto each other's arms as they allowed their actions to say everything their words couldn't. They were in love. They were together. They weren't going to let anyone control or ruin their relationship. They were splendidly and radiantly in love, and the love emanated from every motion, every touch, every pause, every sound, and every silence. As the kiss slowly came to an end, Alec curled up into Magnus' arms, allowing the rock star to hold him. "I will do whatever it takes, Alexander. I won't let this take over my life like it did last time", Magnus promised, squeezing Alec tightly against him. "How- how do you know that?", Alec asked, still unsure that everything was going to be alright. "Because. I have you this time, Alexander. And if anything is going to get me through this, it's you, baby. It's you". - - -

The next few weeks were difficult for the couple, but with Alec's undying support, Magnus had begun attending therapy. He vowed to Alec that he would work on the lingering underlying issues which tempted him to turn to his old negative and unhealthy coping mechanisms. "I'm so proud of you", Alec praised his boyfriend as they lay in Alec's apartment bedroom. Magnus had suggested a change of scenery this night and Alec was all too happy to have Magnus over and cook him his famous eggplant parmesan. While Magnus had not relapsed and had been sober since his overdose, Alec was still worried about his overall well being. He had seemed to lose that special twinkle in his eye that he had once had. He seemed a little lack luster and Alec wanted to be able to help. "How is it going, Magnus?", Alec asked as he played with the many rings on the rock star's fingers, his head laying on Magnus' chest, his long-sleeved shirt a barrier between them. "I'm feeling better, Alexander. I think talking to someone is making a difference. It makes me feel not so alone", Magnus confessed, taking a deep breath. "You are never alone", Alec reassured him, turning his head to lightly kiss the base of Magnus' neck. As Alec did so, the subtle, sweet scent of Magnus stunned the man, causing him to have interesting sensations in his lower region. "Hey baby", Alec whispered, changing positions so he was laying partly on top of Magnus, looking straight into his eyes. "Do you know what might give us a bit of energy...", Alec suggested with his eyebrow raised, letting the tips of his fingers travel down the rock star's abdomen. "Oh!", Magnus said, suddenly getting tension throughout his body and a look of panic on his face. Alec's eyes widened in confusion and surprise. They had been very comfortable with touching recently, so Magnus' reaction was quite a surprise. "Magnus... you know I didn't mean all the way just"—"I know, I know Alexander!", Magnus said, squirming out from under Alec and getting off the bed. "I'm just not in the mood..." 

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