Chapter 3

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Alec was silent the entire way home as Izzy and Jace continued to tipsily freak out on the car ride back. They had driven Jace's car so Alec dropped Izzy off first and drove back to Jace's where he had left his own car. Jace and Izzy were still so exited, that they hadn't really noticed how quiet Alec was being. In fact, the only word he said the entire way back to their houses was "Goodbye" as they exited the car. As Alec pulled into his own driveway, he turned the car off and sat there in silence for a minute, trying to wrap his head around the night's unbelievable events. As he unbuckled his seat belt, he could feel the piece of paper Magnus had given him sitting in his front jeans pocket, the only reminder that what had happened was actually real. Alec eventually realized that he couldn't sit there all night, so he got out of his car, entered his apartment, and walked straight to his bed, flopping down in exhaustion. He still couldn't figure out why Magnus wanted him to call him. Magnus Bane wasn't gay. He had been with many women in the past, as was evidenced by the endless tabloids about his many relationships with various actresses and pop stars. Did he just want to be his friend and hang out or something? But why would he? They had barely spoken two words to one another, although there was an awful lot of eye contact. Alec didn't know what to make of any of this. He hadn't told Izzy or Jace about the note because he knew they would have made him use it the very next day and he wasn't sure if he wanted to yet. Magnus Bane was the epitome of everything Alec Lightwood was not. He was messy, unpredictable, outgoing, loud, attention seeking, promiscuous, and unafraid. Alec on the other hand had never been in a serious relationship and was still getting used to the entire world knowing that he was gay, even though he came out to all of his friends and family over a year ago. If Alec used this phone number and allowed Magnus Bane into his life, order would be severely disrupted.

Alec didn't like the unpredictable, and Magnus was just that: one big unpredictable mess. It was in that moment that Alec decided not to use the number. He had plenty of friends. He didn't need anymore, especially friends that would dramatically disrupt the trajectory of his life and thrust him directly into the limelight. Alec swiftly rose from his bed, moved across the room, and opened his desk drawer, shoving the slip of paper Magnus had given him in the very back. Alec then put the entire situation out of his mind and began to get ready for bed, the same exact way he did every other night of his life. First he brushed his teeth, ten times on both sides, then he washed his face for 2 minutes exactly, and lastly put on a fresh undershirt and boxers to sleep in on the left side of his bed, the only side he could sleep on. As sleep took him, he cleared his mind of any distractions, although his dreams that night seemed to be filled with much more glitter than usual.

Almost a week had passed since the concert. Alec was sitting in his office downtown looking at the bank statements of a small bakery in need of financial advice. Alec couldn't believe how inefficient their spending was, but he was also sort of excited. Alec loved his job because he was able to take businesses in financial disarray and organize them back into functionality. Chaos into calm; disorder into order. It was just so satisfying. Alec looked at his phone to check the time and realized it was quitting time. He placed his papers back in his filing cabinet and left his office, waving goodbye to his work friends as he exited. Alec was happy on his way home because it was Tuesday, eggplant Parmesan day, the meal he had every Tuesday and his very favorite food. As Alec stood in his kitchen preparing the ingredients and slicing eggplant, he suddenly heard a firm, yet quick knock at his door. Alec paused his slicing, racking his mind for who it could be. He then set down his knife, wiped his hands on a towel, and headed for the door.

"Coming!", Alec yelled, still puzzled as he reached the front. As he opened the door Alec almost fell to the floor. Standing in his doorway was none other than Magnus fucking Bane. Alec had no words as he stood there in utter shock. "You never called me", Magnus started, his hands in his front coat pockets, looking slightly vulnerable. "Wha...", was all Alec was able to say as he continued staring. "Hey Alec, can I come in? I kind of don't want anyone to see me right now", Magnus said, looking around as if paparazzi could pop up at any moment. "Oh. Umm... yeah", Alec said, moving aside and still not processing anything that was happening. Magnus stepped right in, sniffing the air and saying, "What are you making? It smells good!". Alec was still standing still by the front door. As his mind began to work once again, he began to blurt out the first thoughts that came to his mind. "How are you here? How are you, Magnus Bane, here at my house? How do you know where I live?", Alec asked, causing Magnus to smirk. "Oh, I have my ways, and my people who find things out for me". "Ummm...ok but that still doesn't answer
the question as to why you're here", Alec continued, clutching his forehead and just trying to understand things. "Well", Magnus replied, raising his eyebrows. "I had hoped that you would use the number I gave you, but when it became clear that you weren't going to, I had to take drastic measures", Magnus said like it was obvious. "Ok...", Alec replied, now having more questions than were answered. "But why me?", Alec asked, now getting to the root of his question. "Well...I wanted to see you again". Alec stood there more confused than ever. "Are rock stars always this cryptic?", Alec asked, now walking back to his kitchen with Magnus on his tail. "I'm not being cryptic. I'm being coy". Magnus replied, loving how he had to chase Alec to his kitchen. Alec resumed his work on his dinner, trying to pretend like this wasn't happening. "Alec, let me spell it out for you: I want to get to know you more". TBC...

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