Chapter 37

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The car ride on the way to the hospital was tense to say the least. Magnus drove, staring straight out the front windshield not saying a word, just biting on his bottom lip like he always did when he was mad. Alec stole subtle glances over at his husband, still clutching his injured hand in his lap. The man kept hoping Magnus would say something, anything to break the defending silence that felt so loud he could barely think. While Alec didn't regret what he did to Asmodeus, he did regret his total lack of control in front of Magnus. At a certain point, Alec could no longer stand the quiet, therefore loudly and abruptly blurting out his concerns. "Magnus you have to say something!", Alec said, keeping his eyes glued to his husband's profile. "Alec...", was all Magnus said, letting his sentence trail with a sigh. "Let's just first focus on fixing you hand, then we can focus on...everything else". Magnus paused mid-sentence, almost afraid to say his father's name aloud. Alec finally looked forward, knowing that Magnus needed time to think, but he couldn't help feeling like his husband was upset with him, and that he couldn't take. In the next minute they had arrived at the hospital, Magnus parking in the first available spot. Luckily the hospital was quite dead in the middle of the workday, so the pair didn't have to wait long to be seen. "You have quite a bad sprain, Mr. Lightwood-Bane", the doctor said as she carefully cradled Alec's swollen hand in hers. "You say this happened from a fall?", the doctor asked again, raising her eyebrow like she didn't really believe him. "Yup", Alec replied, avoiding her eye contact. "Hmm...", she replied, gently letting go of his hand. Alec sat atop the crackly paper of the examining table, unable to stop himself from glancing over at his husband's reactions. Magnus gave Alec no indication of his emotion in his face.

"Well, you'll need to wear a splint for at least three months", the doctor continued, now pulling out a prescription pad from her white coat, clicking her pen as she began to write. "I'm also suggesting a prescription strength anti-inflammatory to speed the healing process along", she said as she ripped the paper from the pad, handing the paper over to Magnus. "I'll be right back with the splint", the doctor said as she turned and left, leaving the husbands along in the pale room. Magnus remained silent, examining the prescription a little too closely in an attempt to avoid conversation no doubt. "Magnus...", Alec said, a quiver unexpectedly entering his voice. "Are you...", Alec paused, biting his lip to hold back the welling in his eyes. He didn't feel like crying again today. "Are you mad at me?". Magnus finally made eye contact with Alec, a wave of concern and sympathy filling his expression. Magnus stood from his seat across the small room, walking up to Alec with a sigh. "No Alexander I'm not mad at you", Magnus responded, lifting his fingers to brush away Alec's dark bangs from his forehead. Alec's heart filled with relief at the words, leaning forward to rest his head upon Magnus' shoulder. "I don't think you handled the situation correctly", Magnus continued with a slight chuckle. "But I also don't blame you for how you reacted either...", Magnus continued speaking now sounding like he was talking more to himself rather than Alec. "Magnus, it was like I'd left my body, like I had no control over anything. I just... I was just so fucking angry", Alec began, his body beginning to shake a bit as he relived the emotions in his mind. "Alexander I know, I know", Magnus cooed, feeling Alec getting worked up again. "There's a lot to think about, and a lot to be angry about, but not about you, ok?", Magnus said sincerely, grabbing onto Alec's face and tipping it upward to make eye contact. Alec nodded his head slightly, a childlike look of uncertainty and fear on his face.

"Alexander come on baby it's really ok, I promise", Magnus continued to reassure, now in a whisper as he wrapped his arms around his husband's shoulders and brought him into a tight hug. "Ugh this is so wrong. I'm the one who should be comforting you", Alec said into Magnus' shirt, hiding his face from the world against his love. "We are one in the same, my love. Your pain causes me pain, just like my pain caused you to hurt and lash out. That's what love is. So I won't be ok until you're ok. Just like I know you will worry about me until we figure this all out". Alec couldn't speak, so he just lifted his face tilting his head up in a way which Magnus knew meant Alec longed for comfort kisses. Magnus chuckled quietly, quickly giving the man what he wanted. Alec's face was warm against Magnus' causing chills to spread through him as his husband's hot breath merged with his own. The two separated the kiss, knowing how they got and not wanting things to heat up too much in public. They let their foreheads stay connected however, their eyes closed as they took in the moment. Everything was going to be ok. - - -

The weeks that followed Alec's injury were stressful to put things lightly. Magnus and Alec had been in contact with the police in addition to lawyers as they tried their best to eradicate Asmodeus from their lives. Asmodeus had managed to slink away, and up until this point, had evaded arrest for violating his restraining order. "Mr. Lightwood-Bane, I can assure you that if we receive any tip regarding the man's whereabouts, we will act immediately and you will be the first person contacted", the chief of police in the LAPD had assured Alec where the hunt had first began. Alec was having a hard time juggling work, Max, and all of the stress brought on by Asmodeus, but no one was taking it harder than Magnus. He couldn't help thinking that he wanted to talk to Asmodeus, get answers. The thought of never seeing his father again almost scared him more than the thought of confronting him. So it was just as much of a surprise to Magnus as it would have been to anyone else when he had received a call from an unknown number one Saturday morning.

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