Chapter 32

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The next day Alec woke with a start, having a weird sense of déjà vu as he heard a loud knocking at his front door. Alec rose from his bed reluctantly, having a strong suspicion for who was on the other side of the door. "Alexander! Please open up baby!", he heard Magnus yelling from the other side. "Please, Alec. Please!", Magnus continued, his words getting lots between sobs. Alec wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand, it was pure torture hearing the one he loved most breaking down. But on the other hand, he knew it would be just as difficult to face Magnus in this moment, fearing he would say something out of anger that he might not mean. "Magnus... I don't think we should talk right now", Alec finally replied, chewing on his nails as an outlet for his nervous energy. "I need some time...". "Oh Alec please don't do this! Please let me talk to you! I hate that I've let you down! I need you baby please! I love you so much I can't lose you! I wont survive it! Please, Alec! Please!", Magnus screamed, his words so mixed with cries that could hardly be understood. Before Alec could reply, there was a sudden commotion drowning everything out just beyond the door. "There he is!", someone shouted, accompanied with the sound of many cameras simultaneously flashing. "Fuck!", Alec yelled, quickly opening the door to countless shouts and blinding flashes. Alec put his hand up to cover his eyes, quickly pulling Magnus inside by his arm and screaming, "Get lost fuckers or I'm calling the police for trespassing!", before slamming the door as hard as he could. As the two men heard the paparazzi scurry away, silence fell on the house. The boyfriends stood several feet away from each other, just staring into the other's eyes, not quite sure what to say.

Finally Alec spoke up, knowing he needed to do the rational and responsible thing, no matter how hard it was going to be. "As soon as you're sure that they're gone, I think you should leave". Alec then quickly walked toward his bedroom, trying his best not to cave at the devastated look on Magnus' face. "No Alec! Don't be that way! Please!", Magnus cried, grabbing onto Alec's arm. At Magnus' touch, the fury that Alec was trying to fight down suddenly grew until it was too much to keep in. "What way would you like me to be then, Magnus?!", Alec screamed, all of his emotions from the previous night's events spilling over. "Would you like me to pretend that everything is fine?! That you weren't lying to my face for weeks about your recovery?! That I can ever trust you again?! No! I won't do that! I deserve better!", Alec finished, turning away once more. "Fuck, Alec you're right! You do deserve better! And I want to be that for you! Please tell me what to do!", Magnus continued, now falling to the floor on his knees, literally begging for Alec to stay. "I'm a horrible person, I know! I lied to you! I pretended like everything was ok when it wasn't! I just wanted to make you proud! I wanted to be someone who deserves you! But I'm not!", Magnus continued screaming while grabbing his head and scratching his nails down his face. "All I know is I can't live without you, Alexander! You are the only good thing left in my life! I'd rather die than lose you...", Magnus stated in a suddenly soft tone, looking down to the floor where his tears had fallen. "Magnus...", Alec whispered, shaking his head and closing his eyes as he let his own tears fall. "That's...that's just not healthy. No one should be that dependent on another person for the will to live...", Alec stated plainly, wanting Magnus to realize what he was saying. "Magnus", Alec continued, now kneeling down in front of the broken man. "I love you. I love you're laugh, your confidence, your wisdom and your courage. I love your charm and beauty, your charisma and your passion. I love how you feel everything so deeply and continue to try and try, no matter how hard it gets and no matter what the world throws at you". "And like I've said before, it's ok to need help. And I can help protect you from everything the outside the world has to throw at you. In fact, it is my honor to do that for you, the man that I love. But the only thing I can't protect you from is... you. And if you can't try to get a handle on this...and I mean REALLY try... then I need to look out for myself, too. Then I need to end this. Now". "Alec no!", Magnus yelled, reaching out to grab onto the man's arms. "Don't say that. Please", Magnus begged. In the next moment, a shift happened in Magnus' eyes and in his heart. Staring straight into the eyes of the man he loved, his only and forever, his moon and his stars and his whole entire universe, he knew what he needed to do. "Alec?", Magnus asked, swallowing hard as his heart began to race. "Will you please drop me off at Rose Hills?". Alec's brow scrunched up in confusion at Magnus' request. "What...what is that?". Magnus took a deep breath and started to stand up, reaching out his hand to help his boyfriend up as well. "I'm about to do something I said I would never do. I'm going to rehab"

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