Chapter 35

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Alec was sitting at his desk preparing for his next appointment. In the past six years while Magnus was working hard on his recovery, Alec had also been working hard at his job, having been promoted to manager of accounts at his company. He was feeling a bit tired as he went through his intake papers, stifling a yawn. He hadn't got much sleep after his talk with Magnus last night but he needed to put that out of his mind right now and focus on his potential client who would be here any second. Exactly on time, his assistant came to the door announcing that he was here. "Bring him in", Alec told her, standing from his desk as the man entered. His initial thought was that this man was very handsome. He was very tall, towering over even him, and had almond eyes; eyes that made him feel calm for some reason. "Hello sir I'm Alec. Thank you for meeting with me this afternoon", he finished, extending his hand for a shake. "Well yes. Thank you for making the time. My name is John", he replied". Alec then motioned to the chair in front of his desk, sitting back down in his chair on the other side. As the two sat facing each other, Alec began to speak. "So I'm sure you've heard a bit about our company, but let me tell you a bit about what we do here", Alec began, getting right down to business. "Oh that's alright! I've done all of my research and I am very impressed! I am more interested to see if you and I would personally be a good fit. I'm starting my company from scratch and I intend to be spending a fair amount of time with my budget expert", John continued, fiddling with a pen on Alec's desk. "Oh! Ok", Alec replied, slightly caught off guard. "Well I've been in this position for two years now and—" No, no Alec. I mean you as a person. What do you like to do for fun? Do you have a family? Children?", John asked, looking especially eager to hear the answers.

While this conversation as a bit unconventional and Alec found the man a bit creepy and pushy, this account was too big to lose, so he reluctantly obliged. "Well", Alec began, nervously smoothing out the lapels on his suit. "I do have a family so I don't have much free time these days. I am married and I do have a son. He is six years old", Alec stated, intending to shift the conversation back to business, but it seemed that John did not have the same idea. "Oh and what is your lovely wife's name?", he asked, leaning forward like he really wanted to know. "Ah, well I have a husband actually. His name is Magnus. And my son is Max". John's eyes widened as he spoke about his family, now insisting that he show him pictures. Alec knew he wasn't getting out of this one, so he decided to just get it over with, handing over the small photo he kept in his wallet. "Wait. Your husband is Magnus Bane? The musician?". "Well", Alec replied, fighting the urge to roll his eyes as hard as he could. "It's Lightwood-Bane now, but yes. However he has taken a break from music as of late to focus on our family". "Oh really? Is he a good dad? And a good husband?". With that Alec had to say something. "Ok I think this conversation has gotten away from us. I think we should focus on business from here on out', Alec said firmly, snatching the photo out of John's hand. "You know what, you're right", John agreed with a smile that seemed forced. "My apologies. Lets talk business"- - -

"Do you want to watch Game of Thrones or Stranger Things?", Magnus asked Alec later that night as he snuggled up to his husband on the couch. "Ummm... either is fine", Alec replied, snatching some of the blanket that Magnus was using. "Oh really?", Magnus replied, situating the blanket so that Alec's toes were covered. "No debates about what we watch tonight?", Magnus asked, teasing his husband with a chuckle. "I guess I'm just tired of talking. I had an intake with a new client today and he would not shut up", Alec said, leaning his head back against the couch cushion. "I'm sorry baby", Magnus consoled his husband, loving that they were talking about someone else's problems for once. "And I have to meet with him AGAIN tomorrow because we didn't get through everything today". Magnus reached out to grab onto Alec's earlobe, knowing how the man loved when he rubbed it softly. "Hmm..."Alec cooed, leaning into Magnus' touch. "Well", Magnus continued, getting a fun idea. "Since Max is back in school, I have lunch time free! How about I bring you some food tomorrow after your client and we can eat lunch together! You can vent to me as much as you want about...", Magnus paused, realizing he didn't know the man's name. "John", Alec finished, rubbing his forehead in stress as he mentioned the name. "Oh my poor husband", Magnus said sincerely, turning the man's head to face him. "How about a kiss to feel better?", he said with a coy smile. "I thought we were going to watch Game of Thrones", Alec teased right back. "Well, why watch people have sex, when you could have the real thing right now?". Magnus had hardly finished his sentence as Alec connected their lips, immediately sticking his tongue inside his husband's mouth. "Dada?", the two suddenly heard form behind the couch. The husbands separated immediately, getting up and rushing over to Max. "What's up, bud? Why are you up so late?", Magnus asked, kneeling down next to his sleepy son. "I had a bad dream", Max replied as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Oh no baby", Alec stated, reaching down to lift Max up into his arms. "Do you want Daddies to come tuck you in again and stay with you 'till you fall asleep?". Max replied with a nod, clinging onto Alec as the little family went back to bed.

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