Chapter 36

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"Well I'm glad that we were able to sort everything out Mr. Lightwood-Bane. I look forward to our professional relationship going forward", John said as he stood up, extending his hand for Alec to shake. This meeting had taken twice as long as yesterday's and Alec was very glad that he was finally able to close the deal. "So you'll meet me at the building sight tomorrow to go over construction costs?", John asked as he gathered his things to leave Alec's office. "Yes. I will see you there 8 am sharp", Alec replied, motioning John subtly toward the door. "Are you trying to get rid of me? Do you have better plans?", John asked in a light-hearted tone as Alec walked him to the door. Alec forced a fake laugh. "Actually yes I do have lunch plans", Alec replied, walking John out into the lobby. Alec took in the sight of Magnus, his back turned toward the pair as he spoke to the receptionist. "Actually, that's my husband now. Let me just tell him I'll be right with him", Alec said quickly as he walked toward Magnus. "Hey sweetie. I'm almost done with my client if you want to wait in my office", Alec said, placing his hand on his husband's back. "Hey! Ok sure", Magnus replied, turning around with a bag of food in his hand. Alec was just about to turn back around to John when there was a sudden shift in Magnus' expression. In the next second, the food that was being held in the man's hand hit the floor, sending a mess everywhere. Magnus began to violently shake and back away as he took in the sight before him. "Magnus! What's happening?!", Alec asked in shock, feeling very worried for his husband. Alec swiftly turned around to see what Magnus was looking at. The only thing of notice was John still standing by his office door. "What's going on here?", Alec asked, taking a step toward John. "NO ALEC DON'T GO NEAR HIM!", Magnus screamed, reaching out and pulling Alec into him. 

"What's going on?!", Alec asked again, never having seen Magnus look this terrified in the entire time he'd known him. "Alec. That's my father. Asmodeus.", Magnus said, his eyes widening in terror. The feeling that coursed through Alec's body in that moment was unlike any other Alec had ever felt. The blood rushed from his face and the world suddenly went quiet as he turned to face this monster of a man. With seemingly no control of his body, Alec was suddenly charging toward the man, unable to stop himself. Before Asmodeus could get out of the way, Alec's cocked fist was connecting with his jaw. "You! Mother! Fucker!", Alec yelled as he continued to pound his fist into the man's face who had now fallen to the floor. Alec was vaguely aware that people were yelling at him and shrieking his name, but he paid them no mind. Alec wanted this man to suffer, hurt, and bleed just as Magnus had for his entire life. Alec felt arms grab him, trying to pry him away from Asmodeus, but he squirmed out of them screaming, "Let me go! Get off of me!". Alec was able to get in a few more punches, finally seeing blood; finally giving this heathen what he deserved. Eventually, more than one pair of hands began to pull him back and Alec was not longer able to fight them. To make up for the lack of fist on Asmodeus' face, Alec began to scream. "You piece of absolute shit! How dare you come to my place of work! How dare you come anywhere near my husband! How dare you have the absolute NERVE to show up in his life ever again! You fucking abusive piece of SHIT!". Alec continued screaming until he was dragged into a different room, the door closed so he was no longer able to see the monster. Alec finally took a second to notice two of his coworkers who had dragged him into he room along with Magnus. "Guys! Let me go!", Alec screamed as he continued to fight against them. "Alec! Alexander please stop!", Magnus yelled, now stepping in front of his husband and grabbing his face with both hands.

"Hey! Look at me Alexander! Baby look at me!", Magnus yelled, finally able to get Alec to meet his eyes. "I need you to stop struggling. Please. Just focus on my voice and me ok? Everything is fine. I am fine. We are here together, ok?". At Magnus' calming words, Alec began to stop his squirming; focusing on is husband's worried face. He did this. He made Magnus upset. "Fuck. Oh my god. I'm so sorry Magnus", Alec said with a waver in his voice, suddenly overcome with emotion. Alec began to suddenly sob, falling into Magnus' body as his coworkers finally let his arms free. Magnus held a crying Alec to his chest as he spoke to the men. "Its ok guys. I can take it from here". Alec heard the two leave as Magnus slowly rocked Alec from side to side in his embrace, quietly shushing and soothing him. After several minutes, Alec began to calm down, leaning up from Magnus' shirt, which now had a large wet mark on the collar from tears. Alec brought his hand up to wipe the tears away and was suddenly overcome by and intense pain in his hand. "Ow fuck!", Alec yelled, looking at his mangled, bloody fist. "Let me see", Magnus demanded, using that voice Alec knew meant business. Alec knew better than to argue with his husband when he used that tone, so he extended his hand, allowing the man further examination. "We need to get this checked out. It could be broken". "I'm fine Mag—"It's not a discussion Alexander. As soon as you're calm enough, I'm taking you to the hospital. End of story". Alec simply stared back at his husband, resigning to his fate in that moment. "Ok", he eventually whispered, hanging his head in embarrassment and shame for what he had just done. When Alec looked back up to his husband's face, the man looked pissed as he bit his lip and stared back at Alec. "Are you hurt anywhere else?", Magnus asked, giving Alec's body a quick examination. "No. Magnus. I'm fine". "Ok then. Let's go to the hospital", Magnus said in a clipped tone, leading the way out the door.

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