Chapter 10

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Alec turned around slowly as he heard Magnus speak. "Magnus we can't drink any more, ok?", he said softly, worried that Magnus had remembered about the bottle service. "It's really late and everyone's in bed". Magnus shook his head back and forth violently as he pouted. "I don't want more to drink I just wanna talk to you", he said softly, a twinge of sadness beneath his eyes. Alec chuckled under his breath, noting how the superstar looked so young and vulnerable and cute laying in this bed all tucked in. "Ok. Just because you're so cute", Alec replied, making his way back to the side of the bed, sitting down on the edge next to Magnus' legs. "Thanks for coming out with me Alec. I'm so glad you decided to come". "Me too", Alec replied with a smile, truly meaning it. "Sorry I'm so drunk", Magnus said with a frown, slapping his forehead. "Hey!", Alec yelled, scolding the man as he pulled his hand off of his own forehead. "Don't hurt yourself. I don't want anyone to hurt you. Not even yourself", Alec said with true compassion in his tone. As Alec said these words, Magnus' expression stiffened and his movements froze, his eyes brimming in tears. "Magnus!", Alec said with concern, confused as to what he said to cause this reaction. Magnus immediately released his hand from Alec's, looking down and breathing heavily as he tried his best not to cry. "What did I say? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you!", Alec said in panic, reaching out with his palm to touch Magnus' face, but the man flinched away in reflex, feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. Alec took his hand away, forgetting that Magnus had issues with being touched sometimes. "Do- do you want me to go?", Alec asked softly, so sad the he had inadvertently upset the man he cared about. Magnus eyes flashed to Alec's realizing that Alec was probably feeling very confused. "No Alec. I'm sorry. You didn't do or say anything wrong. Its just-", Magnus stopped trying to decide what he wanted to share tonight.

"I'm a bit too drained to explain everything tonight, but just know that you didn't do anything wrong. Alec...", he continued, still producing tears. "There's a lot you don't know about me. On the one hand I want to be honest and open with you because I like you so much and I want us to start out with all of our cards out on table, but on the other hand...I don't want to burden you with all of my shit, especially so early in our relationship. I just...I really like you Alexander. I don't want to mess this up", Magnus confessed, letting the tears roll out of his eyes. Alec very badly wanted to reach out and wipe them away, feeling hurt that Magnus as hurting. He had never felt quite this way about someone. This was new. "I really like you too Magnus. And that means I respect you and your choices to tell me what you feel comfortable telling me. Just know that whatever it is, I will accept you for who you are. Because who you are, is amazing Magnus. We'll get through whatever it is, together", Alec finished with a reassuring smile. Magnus' heart was bursting at Alec's reaction. "Alexander...", he whispered, the word filled with care and appreciation. With a slow, shaky hand, Magnus began to reach out with his fingertips, lightly brushing Alec's hand. Alec took this cue and grabbed onto the man's hand, rubbing the top of his hand with his thumb. The two were quiet for a moment, just holding hands and feeling the pleasant energy flow between them. "Hey Alexander", Magnus said, breaking the silence with his hoarse voice. "Yes Magnus", he replied, thinking it was so cute how Magnus had decided to call him by his full name. "I promise I'll tell you more about me when the time is right, but there's something you need to know up front". "Ok", Alec replied, slightly nervous if he was being truthful. Magnus swallowed as he began to speak, wanting to be honest. "If you haven't already figured this out, I kind of have this issue with people touching me. I wont get into all of that right now but, you need to know that this issues affects my ability to be intimate with people", Magnus confessed in almost a whisper.

"I know the media portrays me as this Lothario who loves sleeping around, but the truth is, I've only had sex with two people in my entire life, and I was in a very committed relationships with both people, the first being my secret high school boyfriend and then my girlfriend of 6 years who I broke up with over a year ago", Magnus continued, finding this honestly therapeutic. "Alec...I'm telling you this because I know that sex and physical things are a very important part of relationships for many people, but I won't be able to give you that in the traditional sense...", Magnus said, his voice getting higher as he began to choke up toward the end of his sentence. "Hey! Magnus there is no reason for you to feel upset about that! Hey. Look at me Magnus, please", Alec said, wanting him to see how sincere he actually was. In the next second, Magnus met Alec's eyes as he brought his other hand over to cup the crying man's palm with two hands. "I can tell that you think I might not want to date you anymore because of this, and I want you to know that that couldn't be farther from the truth. Of course, I would love to be affectionate with you, but only at the time and level that you are comfortable with, because at the end to the day, as long as I get to be near you, that's all I need. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be with you, no matter the circumstances", Alec finished, staring deeply into Magnus' golden brown eyes. Magnus was fully crying now, never having experienced deep feelings for such a kind and generous person. "You'd be surprised Alexander", Magnus whispered, looking down. "But that is a long story for another night, my sweet", Magnus finished, putting on a smile and wiping his eyes. "Get some sleep Magnus", Alec replied, giving Magnus' hand one more squeeze before he stood up and began to walk out of the room. "I'm going to dream about you, Alexander. I just know it". Alec smiled and laughed, closing the door on the sleepy, sweet man. TBC...

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