Chapter 25

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"Ok Mr. Lightwood", the voice in the phone continued. "I need you to start chest compressions now". "Ummm...ok", Alec said, still not fully understanding what was happening. Magnus was just sleeping, but the voice on the phone seemed worried, so he was inclined to listen to it. "First you need to removed his shirt front his chest area". Alec did as he was told, ripping open the buttons down Magnus' front. "Now place once palm on top of your other hand. Find the base of his rib-cage and begin compressions". "Ok, ok, ok...", Alec muttered, beginning to feel some semblance of reality creep in as everything began to sink in. He was giving his boyfriend CPR. He was giving Magnus CPR. Alec began compressions, continuing to listen to the operator's directions. After several minutes, Alec was truly starting to panic. "He's not breathing! He's not breathing!", Alec screamed as tears fell on Magnus' chest. "Mr. Lightwood stay calm. Just continue compressions. That's all you need to focus on. The ambulance is 2 minutes away. You can do this", the operator encouraged Alec. "Magnus! Magnus you dumb-ass! Why!? Why did you do this?!", Alec yelled as he continued compressions, forgetting the pain in his arms as he desperately tried to revive his love. "What am I going to do without you?!", Alec yelled, his face so soaked with tears that he could hardly see what he was doing anymore. He had to save him. He couldn't let him go. Alec was aware that the voice on the phone was telling him things, but he could no longer hear her as a loud ringing filled his ears. "Breathe! Breathe! BREATHE!", Alec yelled as he almost punched Magnus' chest with his fists. Suddenly Alec heard a loud gasp come from his boyfriend, his eyes fluttering open for only a moment as he fell back to the floor, limp once again. "Oh my god!", Alec yelled, leaning his head over Magnus once more. "He's... he's breathing now, but he's still passed out!", he yelled to the voice on the phone.

"Ok Mr. Lightwood! That is great! Now try to prop him up against your body so he can breathe better and so he wont choke. "Ok, ok!", Alec yelled in anguish and relief. The pain was returning to his arm, but he ignored it, pulling Magnus' limp body up against his. "Baby, baby...", Alec whispered as he rocked his boyfriend, stroking Magnus' hair softly. "Everything will be ok. You will be ok. I love you. I love you", Alec continued to whisper. "You're doing great Mr. Lightwood. The voice on the phone said. I've just gotten word that the ambulance has arrived. They should be there any second. You are doing great. Just keep holding him up. Make sure he is still breathing". Alec closed his eyes, continuing to rock Magnus slowly, kissing the top of his head and silently crying, enjoying every breath that he felt against his face. Everything that happened next was a blur. The paramedics finally arrived, removing Magnus from his arms. Alec reached out for him, but realized it was probably best that these people could take care of him now. As they took him away, Alec found himself quite unable to move, quite unable to do anything for that matter. He just sat there on his knees, trying his best to process what the strange man in front of him was saying. "Mr. Lightwood. Can you follow this light with your eyes? Are you able to do that for me?" Alec processed that there was a light, but for some reason he was unable to move his eyes. He just continued to rock, pretending that Magnus was still there with him in his arms. "Mr. Lightwood, can you tell me where you are?", the paramedic asked. What a stupid question. "Magnus", Alec whispered. Magnus was the only thing that mattered right now. "Yeah", the man said, turning around to his partner. "He is in severe shock. And it looks like he's hurt his arm as well, probably busting down the door. We'll need to take him in. He's going to need fluids and rest, as well as a psych evaluation". "You're right", his partner responded. "Let's see if he can walk".

After several minutes Alec felt himself being led out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Finally they ended up outside and he climbed into the back of what must have been an ambulance. "Are you taking me to Magnus?", Alec finally asked as they closed the door. "Yes, Mr. Lightwood. You are going to the same place. How about you lie down and rest in the meantime. Sound good?", the man said, leading him to a cot in the middle of the automobile. "Ok. That sounds nice", Alec said as he was helped onto bed. "We're really going to Magnus?", Alec asked as the people around him connected him to tube and bags of liquid. "Yes sir. Now rest ok?". Alec's eyes fluttered closed as the promise of being with Magnus filled his mind and led him into unconsciousness. - - -

All Alec heard as his eyes began to open was a loud beeping sound. He realized, as he took in his surroundings, that it was a heart monitor. "Mr. Lightwood! You're awake!", said a voice to his left. He turned his head and took in the sight of someone who must be a doctor. "How are you feeling?", the man said, sitting down next to him. "I'm...", Alec began as he sat up slowly. "I'm ok. Umm...I need to see my boyfriend. His name is Magnus. He—"I am aware of the situation Mr. Lightwood. And you are perfectly welcome to see him, but I need to make sure you are ok first, alright?", Alec nodded, playing along with all of the doctor's tests. Alec answered all the questions perfectly, desperate to get out of the room and to his love. "Alright Mr. Lightwood. Everything seems to be in order. Your street clothes are on the chair over there if you would like to change. Just remember to take it easy for the next few days. And please reach out if you are feeling in any way concerned about your mental health. You've experienced a great trauma". "Ok. Thank you", Alec replied as the doctor left, leaving Alec to change. A nurse then told Alec where he needed to go. It was time to see Magnus.

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