Chapter 38

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"Hello my son. It's good to hear your voice". "How did you get this number?! Where are you hiding?!", Magnus yelled, angry that he couldn't grasp the evil man as they spoke. "Magnus you have to believe me when I tell you that I mean you and your family no harm. I just want to talk with you and"—"Well I don't want to talk to you! I have absolutely nothing to say! Nothing! All you did was make my life hell for 36 years. Even in your absence your memory has tortured me and affected every aspect of my life! You disgust me and I never want to hear from you or speak to you ever again!", Magnus screamed, hanging up his phone and throwing it across the room where it landed on the couch. Magnus was completely alone in the house at the moment. Max was sleeping over at Maryse's house tonight and Alec had to work late. He was in a meeting with a new client all the way across town. He needed someone. He needed something to help him through this moment, to dull his feelings. It had been years since Magnus felt a true and sudden urge to drink, to raid Alec's fancy liquor, which stood barely touched from two Christmases ago. Suddenly Magnus was walking to the kitchen and opening the cabinet. "NO!", Magnus yelled aloud, backing away. "No I cant! I have to call Alec. I need him. I need him", Magnus mumbled through his tears as he fumbled for his phone on the couch. As the phone rang Magnus looked outside, just now noticing that it had begun to rain into this late evening. It's like the world was mourning his weakness right along with him. In the back of his mind, Magnus knew Alexander wouldn't pick up. He always silenced his phone when he was with a client to show them respect. But alas, Magnus called and called through his tears, leaning against the wall and falling to the floor, needing the one person who could help him. As Magnus continued to reach the voicemail for what seemed like the millionth time, his eyes flickered to the kitchen cabinet once more.- - - 

Alec headed out of his new client's front gate, his umbrella opened as he walked swiftly to his car, trying to avoid the seemingly sudden monsoon. He felt good about this new partnership and he was excited to share it with Magnus. As he finally made it to the shelter of his car, he took his phone from his briefcase. "Holy shit!", Alec yelled to himself, dialing his husband back who had called him 22 times in the last hour. "Magnus pick up!", Alec yelled in panic, not sure what was going on. Finally on the last possible ring, Magnus picked up. "Alexander...", Magnus said in a low voice that almost seemed too calm, like he was trying to sound collected. "Magnus! I just got out of my meeting! What's wrong?! Is everything ok?!", Alec asked as he turned on his car, preparing to hurry home. "My- my father called and it made me feel...horrible, too horrible to handle". In that moment, Alec finally put the pieces together. "Magnus...", Alec started with a shake in his voice. "Baby, are you drinking? Did you drink?". There was silence on the other end of the phone for several seconds before Magnus erupted into sobs. "I'm so sorry Alexander!", Magnus wailed on the other end. "I just... I couldn't take it! Hearing his voice! Finding out that he knows where we live! Will this ever end Alexander?!". Alec's tears fell as he pulled out of his parking spot in the pouring rain. "Magnus it's ok. Everything is going to be ok", Alec replied as he tried to sound level-headed for his husband, for the love of his life. "I love you and we will get through this. Ok I'm coming home as fast as I can. Just stay on the line with me and"— In the next moment, the line cut off. "Alexander?! ALEXANDER!". Magnus would remember this moment for the rest of his life. It stuck with him in his sweetest dreams and his darkest nightmares, in his good times and his bad, in his accomplishments and his failures. Alexander was there for him then, and always. - - -

(1 year later)

The crowd cheered as Magnus entered the stage, waving to the thousands who had come to hear his first performance in seven years. "Hello! Hello Los Angeles!", Magnus began as he took his seat on the stool in the middle of that stage. "I have broken my seven year hiatus for this night because this benefit concert is raising money for something that is very near and dear to my heart: mental health and addiction services for those who could otherwise not afford them. It is no secret that my life has been an eternal struggle with these issues. As many of you may know, my-", Magnus paused, trying to control the sadness in his voice as he spoke about his Alexander. "As many of you know, my husband Alexander died in an accident about a year ago due to the havoc that my addition wreaked on our family. And if I can do anything to prevent the same tragedy from befalling other families, I will. So now I would like to share with you all the one and only song I have written since the love of my life was taken from me. This is for you, my Alexander". And Magnus sang.

"The chair where you used to sit, still has a faint imprint and you left some fingerprints on the wall down the hall.

It truly hurts, what happened to you, and its times like these that I wish it wasn't true. But I'll give you the memory for a penny and your thoughts.

'Round we go and you cast a shadow so soak it up before you have to go. The sky has stars, I know you'll make it to Mars and you'll shine with the brightest glow.

The meaning of life was always you, and it's one of many reasons that I miss you.

But magic happens when doubt is suspended, it becomes true. I see it in you.

Craters made like the moon because you tell me very soon this hurt wont be real. You can tell me when to go and stop, but did you know that you cannot tell me how to feel.

So 'round we go, and you cast a shadow, so soak it up before you have to go.

The sky has stars, I know you'll make it to Mars and you'll shine...with the brightest glow. 

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