Chapter 13

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The party was dazzling and exciting. There were so many high profile faces in attendance and Magnus made sure to introduce Alec to everyone he knew. Most people he met complimented him on his handsome appearance, asking if he had ever been in any movies. "You must have been in something, I mean you're gorgeous!" said Troye Sivan, a popular singer and songwriter. "Well that's very kind, but I haven't", replied Alec, looking down and blushing. "Hmm..." Troye continued. "Maybe I could cast you in my next music video" he contemplated, stroking his chin and looking Alec up and down. "Ok well it was really nice to talk with you Troye but we really must be going!" Magnus suddenly said, angling his body slightly in front of Alec. Before Troye could say another word, Magnus was dragging Alec behind him by the hand through the party, picking up random drinks from waiter's trays as he went and downing them in one gulp. As they made their way to the exit, Izzy caught sight of the two walking past the bar. She set down her drink and made her way over, sensing that Magnus wanted to leave. "Hey guys! Is it time to go already? I was kinda talking to this guy..." Izzy stated, nonchalantly looking over at a handsome man waiting by the bar. "Isabel my dear. Stay as long as you wish. I can have Steven drive you home whenever you'd like. "Are you sure, Magnus?" Izzy asked, not wanting to be an imposition. "Of course darling! Have fun!" Magnus replied with a genuine smile. "Thank you so much!" Izzy replied, jumping up and down. "And you two have fun as well" Izzy replied, winking and slinking off back to her man candy. After many more crowds of people, commotion, music, and paparazzi, Alec and Magnus finally made it into the car waiting for them outside. Apart from when they were in front of the paparazzi, Magnus never let go of Alec's hand. As they sat in the car and the vehicle began to move, taking them away from the spectacle of the party.

As the car zipped past lights and buildings, Alec looked over at Magnus in the low light, sensing a tension radiating off of him, as well as the strong smell of booze. "Magnus" Alec said quietly, not wanting to upset the man any more. "What's wrong?" Alec asked softly, stroking the back of the man's hand with his thumb. At Alec's words, Magnus seemed to snap out of his thoughts, turning to his concerned date. "I'm sorry Alexander. I just... got a little jealous, I guess". Alec was absolutely puzzled at his explanation. "Jealous?" Alec asked in bewilderment. "About what? I was with you the entire night" Alec explained, really wanting to understand what Magnus was thinking. "Well... I don't like it when other people ogle you. And I can't even introduce you as my date so it makes me a little... angry to think that other people want you" Magnus confessed, biting his lip. Alec chuckled lightly, liking this more vulnerable and soft side to the rock star. "But Magnus, it doesn't matter if they want me because I don't want any of them...just you", Alec replied with genuine intensity, meeting Magnus' eyes in the flickering lights. As the two looked into each other's eyes, Alec had the overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss this precious man seated next to him. Instinctively, Alec's eyes locked on Magnus' lips. Without thinking, he leaned forward slightly, but was brought back to reality when Magnus inhaled sharply through his teeth, letting go of Alec's hand and looking out the window. "Crap I'm sorry Magnus!", Alec stated immediately, cruising himself for his moment of weakness. "I keep making you uncomfortable I'm so sorry". Magnus paused for a moment, looking back over at his adorable date, realizing in this moment that he wanted Alexander to know why he was the way he was. "Alexander", Magnus began in a whisper. "Stop apologizing. I have... a lot to tell you".

Several minutes later, Magnus and Alec were being dropped off at a house in a gated community, waving goodbye to Steven who was heading back to the party to take Izzy home. "Magnus" Alec said, the word hanging in the cool night air. "Where are we? I thought we were going to a hotel or something". Magnus began heading up the walkway, leading Alec to the front door of a quaint little house. "This is my house, Alexander. I have houses all over the country, but this was the first one I ever bought, and it's my favorite" Magnus explained as he unlocked the front door and waved Alec inside. Alec was half expecting to see a grand and extravagant layout, but he was pleasantly surprised to see a fairly normal looking home. The walls were a pleasant off-white shade, leading to oak hard floors. There was a small kitchen located to the right, which lead to the open floor plan of the cozy looking living room. "At the beginning of my career, this was the house I could afford, but it was always enough for me. This place isn't just my house. It's my home" Magnus explained, turning to face Alec. Magnus took one step closer, whispering in an embarrassed manner. "I've never let any of my dates in this house, but for some reason... It just feels right to have you here" Magnus confessed in the doorway. Alec was speechless, but in a good way. Every inch of his body yearned to be against Magnus, but he restrained himself, learning his lesson from the car ride. "I'm glad that you feel comfortable with me, Magnus. I feel comfortable with you too" Alec replied, wanting to match Magnus' honesty. Suddenly Magnus got a look of determination in his eyes. In the next moment he closed them and said, "Alexander...if you want can put your hand on my cheek". Alec was surprised. The most Magnus usually allowed was hand holding. "Are you sure?" Alec asked, not wanting him to feel pressure. Magnus opened his eyes, allowing a single tear to fall. "Yes". And so Alexander did, feeling the flutter of inhalation as his palm rested on Magnus' warm face. After a moment, Alec removed his hand, not wanting to push it. "Now come, Alexander. We need to talk".

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