Chapter 18

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Magnus continued to hold onto Alec's hand as they made their way into the rock star's house. Without saying anything, he led his love to the kitchen where he took a bottle of scotch out of the liquor cabinet and poured two glasses. "Cheers", Magnus said, handing Alec his glass. "To my freedom from Sony, once and for all! my amazing boyfriend who gave me the motivation and purpose to show the world who I really am. I love you", Magnus finished, a slight tear forming in his eye as he stared up at his tall love. Alec was speechless. So he just smiled, clinking glasses with the rock star as they both took the shot. Alec could feel a shift in the air as they set their glasses down, like something new and exciting was about to happen, but he didn't know what. Magnus was acting strange, full of adrenaline and now a bit of alcohol, what came out of his mouth next was very unexpected. "Alexander", Magus said plainly, pausing to place both of his hands on Alec's arms. "I want to tell you something I don't say enough: I think you are so fucking sexy. The thought of anyone else's hands on you makes me want to punch a hole through the wall", Magnus said, breathing heavily as he looked down at the space in between their bodies. Alec didn't know what to say. He wasn't used to Magnus commenting on his appearance in such graphic terms, and to be honest, he liked it...a lot. Jealous Magnus was hot. "When the interviewer started taking about you and when people look at you on the street and when I have to watch my own friends and peers hit on just makes me so mad", Magnus continued, his voice growing louder as the space in between their bodies grew smaller. "And now that everyone knows about us, I won't have to deal with that shit anymore".

Alec's breathing began to hitch as Magnus' words turned the man on more and more, a bead of sweat now forming on his forehead as the alcohol and his hormones began to warm his body simultaneously. Suddenly Magnus took another step forward, standing closer than he ever had to Alec before, his lips almost touching the man's neck. The two men's chests almost brushed together as their lungs heaved up and down in anticipation. Alec felt his area throbbing as he thought about a jealous Magnus defending him, undressing him...touching him. "Fuck, ok!", Alec yelled suddenly taking several steps back from Magnus and lifting his palms. "Baby... I love you, but this is getting really difficult for me. We had better stop this", Alec said frantically, motioning between their bodies, "Before I do something that makes you uncomfortable", Alec finished, taking deep breaths and placing his laced fingers behind his head. Magnus' face turned from shock to admiration as he understood what Alec meant. "Alexander I'm sorry. I know I keep giving you blue balls. Even though I think these things about you all the time, I don't say them because I knew I wasn't ready to do anything about my affection for you. I guess I'm trying to hint that I'm ready to take things just a little bit farther with us... if you want to of course", Magnus finished, closing the distance Alec had created just moments before. Alec gulped when he finally understood what was going on. "Of course I want to baby, as long as you're comfortable. That's the most important thing", Alec replied, his eyebrows furrowing together while placing his hand on the back of Magnus' neck. Magnus looked into Alec's eyes with a half smile. "Alexander...I'm not quite ready to go...all the way just yet, but I would love to see more of you if that's ok". Magnus stated plainly, looking Alec up and down slowly. "Uh huh", Alec nodded, suddenly losing the ability to formulate words. "Whatever you want baby", Alec said after composing himself. "I'll do what ever you want", he whispered. "Damn", Magnus replied, closing his eyes as a tingling sensation spread throughout his limbs...all five of them. In the next instant, Magnus separated from Alec once more, turning to the bottle of scotch for one last swig. "Lets go to my room baby", Magnus finally said, grabbing onto Alec's now sweaty palm while he led him down the familiar halls. As they entered the rock star's room, Magnus turned on a dim lamp in the corner, giving just enough light to see what was about to go down. "What will you have me do baby? I'm all yours", Alec said submissively as he sat on the edge of his bed, staring up at his beautiful boyfriend. Magnus stood several feet away, contemplating before he spoke. "Can you take off your shirt Alexander?", Magnus asked somewhat shyly, not quite sure this was actually happening. Without replying, Alec was already removing his shirt in one swift movement, letting it fall to the floor as his sculpted arms and body were revealed. Alec was even more beautiful shirtless than Magnus could have imagined. Unlike his own body, Alec's was perfectly spotless, Adonis reincarnated before him. "Wow", Magnus whispered as his eyes appraised his love. Alec chuckled, looking slightly impatient sitting there all vulnerable on the bed. "Baby", Magnus continued to whisper, stepping closer little by little. "Don't move, ok? I just want to feel you...just a little", Magnus, stuttered as his fingertips rested on Alec's pec. Alec was respectfully still as his erection began to pain him inside of his pants. Looking up at his hot boyfriend who was touching his body for the first time was almost too much. "Hmmm...", Alec moaned in a painfully beautiful discomfort. Magnus' fingertips slowly moved to Alec's face, grabbing onto his chin and tilting it upward to meet Magnus' lips as he bent down over his love. Magnus deepened this kiss like never before, although he still kept a respectable distance between their bodies. Alec had to use every ounce of his mind to remind his mot to reach up and pull the beautiful man sucking his face down on top of his body.

So Alec pretended. He allowed his mind to wander as his member throbbed, thinking about the last time he saw Magnus shirtless, about how badly he would love to run his hands all over the wounded man. How he would love to replace the memories of heartache and pain with those of pure pleasure and ecstasy... Magnus separated their lips once more, causing a deprived whimper to escape Alec's lips. Alec watched as Magnus walked to the chair several feel way and sat down. Alec couldn't help but notice Magnus' large bulge in his pants as he sat, something Alec had never seen before. "Ok baby", Magnus said breaking the silence apart from the heavy breathing. "I would love to see all of your beautiful body". Alec was so ready. This felt so right. He had never felt more ready for anything in his life. If all Magnus wanted to do was watch, he was going ot put on the best damn show of his life.

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