Chapter 4

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As Magnus spoke, Alec's chopping stopped, feeling a pit of nervousness in his stomach. "Alec, I find you extremely interesting. You intrigue me". Magnus continued as Alec resumed his chopping, avoiding Magnus' eye contact as he stood across the kitchen counter. "Being who I am, I've encountered many different people, most of whom have many preconceived notions about who I am. But you...", Magnus paused, now walking slowly around the counter to stand directly next to Alec. "You couldn't give a damn about me, and I love it", he said with a chuckle. "Well", Alec replied eventually, still avoiding Magnus' eyes. "Like my sister told you I'm really not that into rock music", Alec finished as he placed his food in the oven. Alec removed his oven mitts and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms and looking down, Magnus' eyes trailing him up and down the entire time. "Alec, am I making you uncomfortable?', Magnus asked, not wanting him to feel that way. "No!", Alec lied, finally looking up into the man's eyes. "Oh that was convincing", Magnus laughed, moving to lean on the counter directly next to Alec. "Well I can see that I've taken you off guard and I'm sorry for that so I'll go soon, but before I do, I wanted to invite you to come out with me tomorrow night. Some of my friends and I are going to one of my favourite clubs and I'd love for you to come along", Magnus offered, staring at Alec's profile. "What?", Alec said, now getting up from the counter and facing Magnus full on. "You hardly know me and you want me to hang out with you and your friends?", Alec asked in complete shock. "Well. I know enough that I can tell you for sure that I want to know more", Magnus replied, standing up from the counter as well. Alec was very confused. He couldn't tell if Magnus was flirting with him, or if he was just being nice. It had to be just friendliness. Magnus Bane wasn't gay.

After Alec thought for a moment about Magnus' offer, he replied. "Well, that is very kind of you and I am flattered, but I have to work. I'm sorry", Alec turned around as he spoke and began cleaning up the counter and washing the dishes which he had just used. "Hmmm...", Magnus thought. "What do you do for work, Alec?". "I'm a financial business consultant", Alec replied as he scrubbed a bowl. "Ok...and how much does someone in your position and with your experience make in an hour?". "Well", Alec chuckled. "I'm not paid hourly, but I suppose if I did the math it would come out to about $150", Alec said as he turned to put the bowl back in it's cabinet. When Alec turned back around to face Magnus, he had placed something on Alec's kitchen counter. As Alec stepped closer, he saw that it was a check. He walked toward it and picked it up, his mouth dropping. "Ok!", Magnus said, now backing out of the room. "Now there are no excuses. Be ready tomorrow by 9 pm. I'll come pick you up", Magnus finished, exiting Alec's kitchen. In the next second Alec heard his front door open and close, and with that, Magnus was gone. Normally Alec would have walked a guest out, but he found himself incapable of moving as he stared at what was in his hands: a check made out to Alec Lightwood for $5,000.

Alec was hardly able to sleep that night as he tossed and turned thinking about Magnus' surprise visit. And, if Alec was being honest with himself, he was thinking about how sexy he looked in this casual manner, not all done up from one of his shows. He had looked very classically handsome in a black leather jacket and jeans as he stood there in the dim light of his kitchen, an event that Alec was still trying to determine if it had actually happened or not. The last thing that kept him up however was his intense nervousness for tomorrow night. Was he really going to go out to a club with Magnus Bane, one of the most famous people in the entire world?

Alec still hadn't answered that question as sleep finally took him in the early hours of the morning. When Alec woke up that next morning, he made himself his regular breakfast and got straight to work on the plans for his bakery client. If he was going out tonight, which he still wasn't certain of, then he needed to get his work done early. Alec told himself to focus on the task at hand and not allow visions of Magnus Bane to distract from his responsibilities. Alec was good at compartmentalising, which is how he was able to push away his anxiety for most of the day, that is until about 6 pm rolled around. He only had three hours left to make a decision about whether or not he would be going out. Alec had never really been to a club, let alone a club with Magnus Bane. Was he even cool enough or suave enough to pull something like this off? These are the questions that swirled around in his head as he paced in from of his closet, completely naked apart from his boxers as he attempted to consider what he might wear to something like this. After about half an hour of panic, Alec eventually made a decision. He walked over to his dresser, pulled out his sweatpants and hoodie, and slipped them on. Next, he walked over to his desk and pulled out Magnus' phone number, which he had neglected to use before. He took a deep breath and dialled the number, hoping and praying that he would get the voicemail. Thankfully he did. "Umm hey Magnus it's Alec. I was just calling to tell you that I can't go out tonight. Thanks for the offer, but you have the wrong guy. Sorry". Alec almost hung up when he remembered one last thing. "Oh and I won't be cashing the check or anything so you don't have to worry about that. Ok. Bye", Alec ended the call awkwardly, slapping his forehead and falling down onto his bed in horror. Sometimes he really hated himself. A few hours later Alec was settled into his couch watching a movie when he heard another knock at his door. He had flashbacks from last night as he opened it, however Magnus was not on the other side. TBC...

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