Chapter 7

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As promised by Magnus, the flight was very quick, however Alec was amazed at the amount of alcohol Magnus was able to consume in the short amount of time. Alec got to know Magnus' friends on the short trip, thinking that he really liked Catarina in particular. She had this sweet and calming energy, which was very refreshing surrounded by all of this madness. As Magnus downed his third glass of champagne, the jet was beginning to land. Alec looked out of the window and noticed that they were heading for a large city. "Magnus?", Alec asked, somewhat nervous. "Where are we going to land? There's buildings everywhere", Alec said, biting his lips to calm his nerves. Magnus laughed at Alec's reaction, loving how innocent he was. "Don't worry my dear. Everything will be fine", Magnus replied, placing his hand on Alec's back and rubbing in small circles. As Magnus reached out to touch him, Alec forgot all of his nerves about landing as his attention centred on the small movements. Magnus didn't linger for too long, removing his hand and standing up with a slight wobble. "Alright ladies and gents", Magnus yelled. "You guys ready to fucking party?!", "Woo hoooooo!", everyone in the cabin yelled, lifting their glasses and drinking to the night. Magnus was right to tell Alec not to worry. They ended up landing on a private landing strip just outside the city limits. Magnus and his friends wasted no time, getting right into a limo as they landed to take them to their destination. Everyone sang along to rap songs as they made their way to the club, Alec being the only one who didn't know the words. "I love that you don't know these songs. You're really selective about the things you choose to care about, aren't you?", Magnus asked. Alec looked down and blushed, not liking the attention. "I suppose that's one way to put it", he replied, feeling Magnus' eyes on him. Soon the group arrived to the club, exiting to a swarm of fans screaming and paparazzi cameras flashing.

It was all very overwhelming. The group was ushered quickly inside of the club where swarms of people where dancing to similar music that they had listened to in the limo. The club was dimly lit and the music was so loud that people almost had to yell to be heard. There was an important looking DJ atop a stage surrounded by beams of light and smoke, a true performance. As they walked through, everyone stopped to stare at Magnus. Some people pointed and screamed, but mostly people just gave him dirty looks. Alec suddenly felt bad for Magnus, realising that with extreme love, also comes extreme hate. Magnus on the other hand paid no attention to others, just saying, "Lets dance guys!", grabbing his friend's hands and leading them to the dance floor. "I'm good!", Alec yelled, knowing there was no way in hell that he would be dancing. "Oh come on Alec!", Catarina yelled. "Yeah dance with us!", agreed Maia. "Umm...", replied, Alec, racking his brain for a way to get out of this. "Maybe in a minute! I want to get a drink first", Alec finished pointing to the bar on the other side of the room. "Suit yourself!", Magnus yelled with a wink. "You know where to find us!", he yelled, now running away to the middle of the dance floor. Alec headed straight for the bar, ordering a beer and standing there as he watched Magnus and his friends. Even though Alec wasn't dancing, he almost felt like he was as he watched Magnus, his angled features glimmering in the dim lights. Magnus had his eyes closed as he danced, allowing his heart and soul to lead his movements. He was so beautiful. After about thirty minutes and two beers, Magnus and his friends moved away from the dance floor, heading straight for Alec at the bar. "Hey party pooper!", Magnus yelled with a smirk. "We're going to go take a break in my private lounge. You coming?". "Yeah!", Alec replied, chugging the rest of his beer. "Alright Lightwood!", Magnus yelled with a smile, grabbing onto Alec's hand and leading him though the crowd.

There was so much going on around him, the lights, the people, the sounds, but the only thing Alec could seem to focus on was the feeling of Magnus' hand in his. They finally made it to a roped off section of the club with large curtains blocking a seating area. "Welcome back Mr. Bane!", the bouncer greeted him, allowing the group to enter. As they did, Luke reached up to close the curtains, giving them privacy. There was a large table of bottle service waiting for them, which Magnus immediately walked to. He made himself a drink as everyone took their seats in the black leather couches. Alec took a seat as well, watching the friends interact. He had never really had a large group of friends like this, so it was very interesting to see how close they all were. After several more drinks and embarrassing snapshots, Camille announced that her favourite song was playing. "Lets go back and dance! Come on guys! Alec lets go!", Camille pleaded. "I don't dance!", Alec said from his seat nervously, refusing to get up. "Ok then", she said with a fake frown. "I'm going to stay behind too my loves. I want to finish my drink", Magnus explained from his chair across the small area as everyone filed out, singing along to the song. As soon as they left, Magnus rose from his seat, moving to sit next to Alec, but still leaving space in between them. "So", Magnus started, sipping his drink as he spoke. "What do you think of my friends?". Alec smiled, thinking about how sweet they all were. "Honestly they're super fun and nice. Especially Catarina. Are you guys dating? You seem really close", Alec asked, genuinely curious. Magnus chuckled and shook his head slightly. "No we're not dating. I'm not with anyone right now", Magnus explained. "What about you Alec?", Magnus asked somewhat nervously. "Are you seeing anyone?".

Alec laughed loudly in response. "Me? Dating? No. I'm much too weird for anyone to want to date me", Alec explained, fiddling with his glass. "Hmm...", Magnus responded, looking pensive. "I'm not sure that's true Alec. I would very much like to date you, if you're interested of course", Magnus said with a shrug. Alec's eyes widened in response as his mouth hung open. Alec had no idea what to say. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "In fact", Magnus continued speaking. "I have a confession to make. That night you came to my concert, I specifically asked to have you brought back to my dressing room so I could meet you. I saw you in the crowd and I was very taken with you. Are you... interested in dating men, Alec? I usually have a sense bout these things, but I want to make sure, of course", Magnus stated, looking over at Alec for the first time since his confession. Alec realised that Magnus was waiting for a response as he forced his brain to work again. "Umm...actually I'm gay", Alec responded. "Well that's a good start", Magnus said with a smile. "Now Alec, are you interesting in dating me?", Magnus asked, vulnerability filling his tone. Alec paused, knowing that he couldn't stop his answer even if he tried as he replied with a simple, "Yes". TBC...

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