Chapter 23

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To make matters worse, the head of Magnus' label refused to speak with him, causing the man to pound on her office door, screaming in fury. "Let me in! You can't ignore me forever!", Magnus screamed, a desperate quiver in his voice. Alec couldn't take watching this anymore. "Baby stop! Let's just call Steven to meet us out back and take us home, ok?", Alec suggested, walking slowly toward the distraught man. "Alec I can't leave until she talks to me!". But she didn't talk to him, and Magnus never felt he was given a chance to save his career. He cried in Alec's arms on the way home, unable to contain his emotions and only stopping his sobs to finish his alcohol. Alec felt everything his boyfriend was feeling. It was almost torture to see the man he loved so much in this complete state of anguish. But Alec was strong for the one he loved, knowing that Magnus would really be needing him these next few days. When they finally arrived back at Magnus' house, he tucked the shattered man back into his covers, sitting down next to his head as he lovingly stroked his face. Magnus had stopped his crying, now feeling a drunken numbness flowing over him as he looking up into the worried eyes of his boyfriend. Alec lulled his boyfriend into a much-needed sleep as he continued his hand movements, smoothing Magnus' hair back with his palm. "I love you Magnus", Alec whispered as he fell asleep. "We'll figure this out".- - -

Magus had slept most of the day and Alec tried his best to let him sleep, keeping busy with things around his house. At a certain point he realized he really needed to make a quick trip home. He hadn't been back in days and he really needed to change his clothes and shower. Alec planned to be back in an hour's time, so he left a sweet note by his unconscious boyfriend's bed just in case he woke while Alec was gone.

Alec slipped out silently, rushing faster than he ever had to get back before Magnus woke. He arrived home, brushed his teeth, showered, changed his clothes, and packed an overnight bag in record time. Alec was very impressed with himself as he re-entered Magnus' house. Alec decided to make some tea and see if Magnus was up yet. As the man walked to the bedroom with a mug in his hand, he almost dropped it as he saw the empty bed before him. "Magnus!?", Alec yelled, setting down the mug of hot tea and now looking around the house for his love. "Magnus?! Magnus where did you go?". Alec made it back to the bedroom, this time noticing that there was another messy scrawl beneath the note Alec had left: a message from Magnus. "Alexander, I've gone to a very important party at the Bellagio. I have to show the world that I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, Magnus". "Fuck!", Alec screamed rushing to his phone. Alec knew Magnus was not emotionally stable enough to go to a party right now, but he had deluded himself into thinking he was. Alec quickly dialed Steven's number, hoping and praying that the man would pick up. "Hello?". "Steven! Is Magnus with you?!", Alec asked, panic clearly present in his tone. "He was! I dropped him off at a party about half an hour ago", Steven replied, sounding very confused. "Alec, what's the problem? Am I missing something here?". Alec proceeded to fill Steven in on the events that happened in that building earlier today. "Oh man. He shouldn't be left alone, should he", Steven finally replied. "Alec where are you? I'll come get you so you can get into that party", Steven offered, panic filling his voice as well. "I'm at Magnus' house! Get here as soon as you can!". Alec waited for Steven for another half hour, all the while pacing the house as he tried time and time again to call Magnus. The man's phone kept going to voicemail, but Alec didn't really expect him to answer the phone in the middle of a loud party. After many painstaking minutes of waiting, Steven finally arrived.

"How long will it take to get there?" Alec asked as he climbed into the backseat of the car. "Well it's a Saturday night so there's going to be some traffic in the city", Steven replied as he headed back the way he came. "Shit", Alec whispered to himself as he looked out the window, fidgeting in his seat. Alec then started to look around the car, noticing the mess it was in. Several empty bottles lay strewn about on the floor of the car, as well as couple dollar bills and an empty pack of cigarettes. "Steven?", Alec asked, feeling very confused and somehow even more worried. "Does Magnus smoke? He never mentioned that to me", Alec said, holding up the empty cardboard box for Steven to see in the rear-view mirror. Steven's eyes suddenly widened as he took a big gulp and gripped onto the steering wheel. "He only smokes when he's really upset... or when he's on drugs", Steven said quietly, picking up the speed slightly. "Oh no...", Alec barely said as he began to gasp. "Steven step on it!", Alec started to yell, unable to sit still. "I have to get to him before he makes a terrible decision! Or if he already has, stop him from making more!". After an almost unbearably long amount of time, they had finally arrived to the most glamorous building Alec had ever seen in his life. "Oh shit Steven! I didn't think of this! How am I going to get in?". "Oh I don't think you're going to have a problem with that, Alec. Everyone knows who you are", Steven said like it was obvious. "They do?!", Alec asked, new levels of nervousness creeping up on him as they pulled up to the entrance. "Haven't you been watching the news?", Steven asked as he put the car in park. "", Alec said, feeling very stupid for not filling himself in a bit more. "Alec just go!", Steven finally screamed, knocking Alec back to his senses. Finally Alec took a deep breath thinking of Magnus as he opened the car door to the frenzy that awaited him.

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