Chapter 33

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(Six Years Later...)

"Magnus! Babe! Have you seen Max's glasses?!", Alec yelled across the house. It was a busy Monday morning and Alec and Magnus were getting their son ready for his first day of school. Alec was filling Max's cereal bowl with milk as he yelled for his husband's help. "Here you go sweetie", Alec said, placing the bowl in front of Max who sat at the kitchen table. "Daddy and Dada are going to find your glasses, ok? We can't have you going to your first day of first grade without your glasses, right?", Alec said with a smile, kissing Max on the forehead. "Right!", Max agreed, taking a huge bite of his cereal. "Found them!", Magnus exclaimed with a smile as he entered the kitchen, placing the glasses right on his son's head. "Ok take one more big bite, buddy! The bus will be here any minute!", Magnus said, fixing a stray strand of Max's hair. "Ok!", Max replied with a full mouth of cereal, standing up from his chair and heading toward the door with his dads at his heels. "I'll walk him out to the bus", Alec offered, turning to smile at his husband. "Ok baby", Magnus replied, opening the door for both of his boys. "Oh Alexander! Would you mind grabbing the mail!" Magnus yelled as he hurried Max along to the bus. "Sure!", Alec yelled over his shoulder. "Love you Maxy!", Magnus yelled. "Love you Daddy!", Max yelled back as he got a hug from his Dada right outside the bus door. Magnus watched from the house as his son was driven away down the road to his first day of school, Alec waving until the bus disappeared around the corner. For a moment he felt saddened that Max was gone for the day, but that feeling quickly dissipated as he watched his gorgeous husband walking back up the drive, mail in hand. "I can't believe he's already in first grade!", Alec exclaimed as he threw the mail down on the kitchen table, placing his palms on the kitchen counter to lean on.

Magnus moved slowly toward the mail with a small smile, feeling exactly the same way. "Time really does fly, doesn't it, Alexander?", the rock star stated as he began shuffling through the letters. Magnus soon noticed a piece of mail addressed to him from his Aunt whom he hadn't spoken to in many years. Thinking this was very odd, he decided to open it right away. "Hey Magnus I'm making coffee. Do you want some?", Alec asked as he fiddled with things around the kitchen. "Yeah sure", Magnus replied, only half listening to his husband as he unfolded the sheet of paper within the envelope. As Magnus read the letter's contents, his breathing began to quicken. His hands shook and he seemed to suddenly lose the ability to keep himself standing. The man quickly pulled out a chair and sat down as his eyes continued to race over the words. "Magnus here's", Alec stated in a puzzled tone, setting the mug down and quickly taking a seat next to his husband, seeing that there was something clearly wrong. "Baby", Alec spoke with concern, reaching out to stroke Magnus' arm. "What's wrong?". Magnus looked over at his beautiful husband, not able to speak quite yet. Instead he just handed over the letter, allowing Alec to see for himself. "Your aunt is writing to you? That seems random...". "Just keep reading", Magnus replied in almost a whisper, staring off into the distance as his mind raced. As Alec completed the letter, his anger grew as well, throwing the papers down onto the table and standing up. "What the actual fuck?! You're dad might be getting out of prison?!". "Yup.", Magnus replied, still in shock. "The one who abused you all of your childhood and drove your mother to commit suicide?!". "Seems that way...", Magnus replied, still not sure what to do. Alec on the other hand was furiously pacing. "Well they can't do it. They just can't! That fucker deserved to die in prison for what he did to you!". Magnus eventually realized that Alec was growing more and more upset.

Seeing that his husband needed him to calm himself, he came out of his trance. He stood up and moved to talk Alec down, something he had really gotten great at doing over the years. "Hey. Alexander", Magnus said in a soothing tone, grabbing onto the man's arm to stop him from moving. "You're pacing. And I know that means you're really upset". Alec took a deep breath, looking into Magnus' eyes to combat his anxiety. "Yeah you're right. You know me too well", Alec chucked, allowing Magnus to wrap his arms around the man's torso. Magnus placed a gentle kiss on the side of Alec's face, rubbing circles with his palm on the angry man's back. "How can we stop this? We have to talk to the judge, give a testimony. The people who are making this decision should know about what he put your family through and how—"Alexander. My love. You are freaking out. Please breathe deeply and hear what I'm about to say. The man can't come near my family, or me remember? Part of my healing in therapy was to take steps to ensure that he could never invade my life ever again. He knows that. If he bothers us in any way, he's right back in prison, which I'm sure is that last place he wants to be". Alec nodded as Magnus talked, knowing logically that his husband was right, but still feeling terrible that the man would be allowed to go free. "Hopefully he's learned his lesson", Magnus continued. "And maybe he can contribute to society in some productive way". Alec placed his forehead against his husband's, breathing in the familiar and soothing smell coming off of his olive skin. "You're right Magnus. Let's just try to put this out of our minds. Today is a happy day", Alec finished, thinking about Max off to his first day of school. "You're right Alexander. Our baby is growing up, it looks like you remembered to get the coffee cream I like", Magnus continued as he took a peak at the mug sitting on the table. "And... this is the first day we've had to ourselves in quite a while", the man said as he eyebrow lifted seductively. Alec burst into laughter, knowing after all of these years, he was still not able to resist this cute and silly man.

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