Chapter 22

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The next morning, the loud blaring of Magnus' cell phone on his bedside table suddenly awakened Alec and Magnus. The two men sat up slightly, both with sleep still in heir eyes. "Baby just ignore it", Alec mumbled, grabbing onto Magnus and pulling him back down onto his chest. Magnus was inclined to listen to his boyfriend, slightly annoyed that someone was calling him at this hour. The two men settled back into each other, trying their best to tune out the noise. However, the phone never stopped ringing. "Ughhh!", Magnus groaned, finally sitting up to reach over and pick up the phone to end the incessant noise. "What is it?", Magnus asked in a grumpy tone. Alec watched as Magnus' demeanor suddenly changed. His eyes widened as he sat up straight and yelled, "What?!", suddenly climbing out of the bed and running out of the room. "Magnus?!", Alec yelled in panic, immediately running after his love. Alec followed Magnus into the living room, who immediately grabbed the TV remote and turned the channel to E! News. "...made quite the spectacle on the Today Show yesterday as the rock star came out to the world on prime time television. Everyone is talking about the mystery man, Alexander Lightwood, who has supposedly stolen the heart of the world famous rock star. What will this mean for Magnus Bane's career? Only time will tell as—"But the newscaster didn't get a chance to finish as Alec had picked up the remote and switched off the TV. "Why are you watching this Magnus? It doesn't matter! We shouldn't let this ruin our mood!" But Magnus wasn't listening to Alec as he continued to intently pay attention to the other person on the phone. "Well I'll just go down there and convince her then! I have to do something!", Magnus yelled into to the phone as he hung up and ran back into his bedroom, leaving Alec behind.

"Magnus!", Alec yelled, now truly afraid. The man ran after him back into the bedroom, watching the rock star put on a shirt and shoes. Alec didn't know what was happening, but he also knew he wouldn't be leaving Magnus' side. Therefore he dressed himself as well as he watched Magnus make another call in full panic mode. "Steven! Are you here? Great I'll see you outside". Magnus ended the call and ran from the room once more, this time heading for the front door with Alec on his tail. "Magnus. Please tell me what's going on!", Alec yelled as Magnus locked the front door and headed for the car parked out front. Alec and Magnus hurried into the car, Steven pulling away immediately. Alec stared at his boyfriend as the man reached into a compartment and pulled out a bottle of gin, taking large swig and looking over at his boyfriend for the first time since he answered the phone. "Steven called me and told me the head of my label is officially legally claiming my music due to breach of contract...", Magnus said with sorrow in his eyes, continuing to drink from the bottle. "I knew that was the deal... but I guess I somehow convinced myself she wouldn't actually so it!", Magnus yelled, continuing to take swigs between each sentence. "If I can't get this all figured out in time, I'm going to have to cancel my concerts! I'm going to let down so many people!", Magnus yelled, immense panic in his words. "Magnus, Magnus, no!", Alec replied, reaching over to grab onto his boyfriend's face. "We will figure this out, ok?! Everything will be ok baby", Alec continued, trying his best to calm the man. Alec placed several kisses on Magnus' face as the man continued to drink, his foot tapping repetitively on the car floor. Suddenly the car stopped as they pulled up to a large building. "Fuck!", Magnus yelled as they took in the large crowd of fans and paparazzi swarming the sidewalk in front of the building. "Someone must have seen me!"

Alec was horrified, very afraid for his boyfriend. "Magnus you can't go out there!", Alec yelled, grabbing onto Magnus' arms. "There are too many people. What if someone touches you! I don't want you to go through that!", Alec yelled in panic. "I have no choice Alec! I have to talk to head of my label! I have to change her mind!". Magnus yelled reaching for the car door and launching himself outside. "Magnus wait!", Alec yelled, his fear for his love overtaking him. Magnus was drunk and emotional. He wasn't making rational decisions. As soon as Magnus was outside, the crowd swarmed him, causing a look of pure distress on the man's face. The rock star tried to push through the people and the flashes of the cameras, but he was soon being overwhelmed by the commotion. "Alexander!", Magnus yelled, closing eyes and grabbing his head, too overwhelmed with everything that was going on. "MOVE!", Alec yelled at the people in front of him, trying to catch up to his boyfriend. Alec was finally able to push through as he grabbed onto Magnus, the rock star burying his face into the man's body. "EVERYBODY MAKE A PATH! NOW!", Alec yelled as he cradled his shaking love close to him. "It's ok baby I'm here. I've got you", Alec reassured his boyfriend as he walked him through the crowd. "Oh my god Magnus Bane! Now that you like dick you should date me!", a large man yelled as he reached out to grab Magnus' arm. Alec reached out and removed the man's hand, gripping onto it and yelling, "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM UNLESS YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR ARM!". The man saw that Alec meant business as a look of fear crossed his face. The man backed away as Alec and Magnus finally made it the last few steps inside the building where the crowd wasn't allowed. The contrasting silence as the door was closed behind them was defining, the building security making sure no one followed them inside.

Both men breathed heavily as Alec continued holding Magnus in his arms in the middle of the lobby. Magnus feebly gripped onto the man, feeling as though he might die if Alec ever let go of him again. "Magnus", Alec finally stated as he stroked the back of his boyfriend's head. "Don't EVER do that again. I can't take seeing you like that...". Finally Magnus spoke, repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry", over and over again into Alec's neck. "Shhh...", Alec replied gently stroking Magnus' back. "Everything is ok. I'm not upset; I was just scared for you, Magnus. But it's over. Like I told you, I will always protect you. I'll never let anyone touch you...". "Alexander", Magnus said as he lifted his head and quickly kissed his love. "Thank you", he whispered. "Always", Alec replied, ignoring the awkward stares from the security guards as the two kissed once again.

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