Chapter 24

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As Alec stepped out of the car, the rush of screaming and people and flashes overloaded his senses. The people waiting outside of the building actually knew his name. They screamed it as he walked, trying his best not to make eye contact with anyone and just focusing on the task at hand: getting to Magnus. As Alec made it to the front entrance where music boomed from inside, Alec was continually surprised that a large man with a stern face pulled the velvet rope aside for him. "Welcome Mr. Lightwood", the man said, as though he was expected all along. "We were all hoping you might show up since your boyfriend, Mr. Bane, is here". Alec just smirked, not having time or energy to make conversation as he entered the party. As he stepped inside, the volume of the music and the bright flashes of light that flickered in time to the thumping beat momentarily stunned Alec, debilitating his thoughts. As Alec's eyes and ears adjusted, he refocused, knowing he needed to find his boyfriend as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, he may have been star struck by the amount of famous faces he recognized in the crowd, but at the moment he couldn't care less. Alec pushed through people and scanned the crowd, hoping and praying that he would see someone he knew, or who knew Magnus. Alec's anxiety grew as he made his way deeper and deeper into the party, his hopes decreasing as he failed to find a familiar face. Just as he was about to give up, a bright light flashed over a man's face, revealing it to be Troye Sivan dancing with some guy right in the middle of the party. "Troye!", Alec yelled, waving and making his way toward the singer. "Alexander! How good to see you!", Troye yelled over the music, reaching out to stroke Alec's arm seductively. "You too", Alec replied, not having time for any funny business. "Have you seen Magnus anywhere?! I'm kind of worried about him!".

In the next moment, Alec was running full speed up the stairs. It was a bit quieter on this floor and much more dimly lit. A long, dark hallway lay before him and he spotted two people making out further down. "Hey!", Alec said, approaching the two. The man and woman stopped kissing, looking over at Alec with glazed eyes. They were clearly on something. "Have you guys seen Magnus Bane anywhere? I'm worried about him". The two looked at each other and laughed. "He's in there", the man said, pointing to a closed door at the end of the hallway. "And don't worry he's having a great time", he said, continuing to make out with the woman. Alec pushed past them, his heart racing faster than ever. Alec finally made it to the door, but it was locked. "Magnus! Hey Magnus are you in there?! It's Alexander!". Alec yelled and knocked, hoping that Magnus would reply and open the door to reveal his face, but alas, no reply came. Alec began to panic, tears forming in the brim of his eyes. He didn't know what to do. He backed up a few steps and gripped onto the roots of his hair, trying his best to calm down. He knew he had to act fast. Before he could think to much about what he was about to do, Alec backed up a bit more, took a deep breath, and ran as fast as he could toward the door, using the side of his arm to bust the door down. With immense amounts of pain, the lock on the door busted, causing Alec to tumble in, clutching his arm in pain.

A few people in the hall looked over at him due to the loud noise, but it seemed they were all too high to really care. "Magnus!?", Alec yelled as he took in his surroundings. He was in a very large bathroom with fancy counter tops and a large vanity to the right. Alec slowly walked over to the vanity and his heart dropped. The counter was littered with half empty liquor bottles, cigarette butts, and a small mirror with the aftermath of what looked to be cocaine. "Fuck!", Alec yelled, forgetting the pain in his arm as the pain in his heart began to intensify. Alec's eyes frantically darted all over the bathroom, not seeing Magnus until he spotted a black leather boot peaking out from behind a wall on the other side where the toilet must be. Alec moved as though his body was independent from his mind. As he took in the sight before him he almost couldn't believe it was real. Alec stood for a moment stunned above Magnus' motionless body laying face down in front of the toilet. Alec was in shock. His mind was not processing what was happening. He refused to believe that someone he loved so much would be in such a horrible situation. While Alec still hadn't quite accepted reality, he knew logically what he had to do. He forced his ridged fingers to reach into his pocket and call an ambulance, telling the operator their exact location. "Mr. Lightwood", the 911 operator said.

"You need to get him in a sitting position. If he vomits while he is lying down, he could choke." "Umm...ok", was all Alec could say. For some reason his body wouldn't move however. It was as if he was watching someone else's life through his own eyes. "It's ok Mr. Lightwood I will walk you through it. Just listen to my voice and do exactly as I say. "Ok. I'll do exactly as you say", Alec repeated, only able to process one word at a time. "Ok", the woman began. "First put me on speakerphone and set the phone down so you can use both hands". Alec did as he was told, setting the phone down phone the floor next to his feet. "Ok Mr. Lightwood. Now I need you to go down to your knees in front of your boyfriend".

Alec felt almost silly as he knelt to the floor. This wasn't real, so why was he getting on the floor? "Are you next to him Mr. Lightwood?". "Yes". "Alright. Now I need you to wrap your arms under his arms and flip him over. You need to check if he is breathing". Alec did as he was told, using all the strength he had left to flip Magnus over on his back. As the beautiful man's face was revealed, Alec thought how peaceful he looked. Maybe Magnus was just sleeping. "My boyfriend is beautiful". Alec said, stroking the side of Magnus' limp face. "Mr. Lightwood you need to focus. Remember what is happening. Listen to my voice and do what I say. You are in shock, but you have to do what I say". "Ok", Alec replied, trusting the voice on the phone. "Ok now I need you to lean over and put your face next to his mouth. Tell me if you feel any air. If you feel air against your face, that means he is still breathing. If not, then you will need to perform CPR immediately". Alec did what he was told, leaning over his love's face. "Mr. Lightwood! Do you feel any air?". "No", Alec replied, his face falling. "I feel nothing".

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