🖤Momo x F!reader🖤 We can't keep doing this...

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*~Y/Ns POV~*
It's been 2 months since me and Momo started dating privately. I had confessed to her on her birthday and she accepted my feelings lovingly. I was so happy!

Me and Momo were in love and we couldn't bear to be apart from one another; we always ate lunch together, we always hung out in our dorms, we even had small kissing sessions after class.

She was the most amazing and gorgeous girl I knew. She was perfect, from her raven hair that was glossy and tied elegantly in a ponytail, to her stunning body and those gorgeously shining eyes.

Being near her was heaven and she was always reminding me of how she felt about me with cute 'I love you's every day.

Everything was going great until her parents caught us holding hands romantically in her bedroom.

Their expressions were contorted to ones of disgust and hatred as they gave me a deathly glare.

"M-mom! Dad! It's not-" Momo stuttered before being interrupted.

"It's not what it looks like Momo?!" Momos mother shouted enraged.

"I am disgusted with you Y/N, this is what you've been doing with MY daughter?!" Momos father grumbled clenching his fists.

"What are you a couple now?! Repulsive!" Her mother screeched.

I stared at them scared and began to stutter inaudible words before I said...
"Mam' it's not like that. Momo and I were talking about her...crush..."

Momo looked at me worried and her parents stared confused and then sternly.

"Who?" The father raised a brow.

I turned to Momo and gave a sorry smile.

"Todoroki Shoto" I faked a grin.

Her parents gave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness..." Momos mother mumbled.

Momo looked at me shocked and I looked down clenching the bedsheets.

"I hope you're telling the truth L/N" Momos father enunciated in a serious tone.

Me and Momo looked up to her father with puzzled expressions.

"I know your parents aren't exactly friendly to those who partake in same-sex relationships" Momos father stated coldly.

I looked at him frightened. He's right I thought, my parents were extremely homophobic.

Me and Momo could never be together if they even though we may be in a romantic relationship.

Momo looked at me with sympathetic eyes and I gave her a coy smile.

"Don't worry sir I would never go against my parents" I lied.

I saw tears sting Momos eyes as I began to exit the room, her parents soon following.

I need to end this with her soon.

*~Momos POV~*
As she walked out with my parent's tears began to flood my eyes.

I whimpered quietly so my parents wouldn't hear and hugged my pillow to muffle my cries.

Do we really have no chance? Is there no way we can be together? Thoughts of us flooded my head.

I am glad she made an excuse for me, but my parents may start encouraging me to date Todoroki.

Uhhhhhhhhh no thanks.

I'm pretty certain I like girls.

There's no way in hell I'd be more than friends with Todoroki, but...with the situation at hand my parents will begin getting suspicious of me and Y/N again unless I have some kind of distraction...Some kind of charm to prove my loyalty to my parents and Y/Ns parents...I know what to do.

~June 1st. Pride month and Momos anniversary with Y/N~

*~Y/Ns POV~*
I walked to school alone this morning. I could see Momo through the window of our classroom, she was talking with someone who I couldn't see from the distance.

I continued to walk excited to meet her. I was carrying a small gift box for Momo.

The gift was an expensive necklace that took me months of work to afford, it was a cute and light chain with diamonds engraved into it and a little heart at the front that said: "No matter what happens I'm always yours".

I was really enthusiastic about today and seeing Momo! I hope she'll like the gift! I thought nervously.

I walked down the hallway carrying my gift in front of me.

I saw Kirishima and Bakugou walking together, Kirishima's arm on Bakugous shoulder. They were both blushing and I giggled.

"kiribaku for the win!" I cheered.
Kirishima chuckled.

"Yeah! Happy pride month Y/N!" Kirishima congratulated.
Bakugou smirked at Kiri and looked to me "Happy fucking pride month extra" Bakugou muttered confidently.

I giggled once more and held onto my gift box. "Ooh is that for Momo?" Kiri suggestively asked. Kirishima and Bakugou were the only ones who knew about me and Momo.

"Yeah, I hope she likes it" I blushed.

"Have you told your parents yet loser?" Bakugou asked trying to be nice.
I shook my head and rubbed the gift box.

"Not yet, you know what they are like" I muttered disappointed.
Kiri sighed and Bakugou grumbled.

"Hey! Don't worry it's pride month and we don't have to worry about that!" I said as I turned the handle on the door and began to open it.

"Let's celebrate with everyo-" My heart sank.
I dropped the gift on the floor and the card inside fell. I stared in disbelief when I saw what was happening.

Momo was kissing Todoroki.

I didn't say anything I just stood in shock as people cheered for them saying how happy they were for them.

Kirishima and Bakugou looked into the classroom and Kiri put a hand on my shoulder "Y/N it's okay" Kirishima comforted me.

Bakugou hissed in annoyance. "What a fucking cheat" Bakugou grunted.

Tears were building up in my eyes. Momo and Todoroki pulled away from their kiss.

Todoroki smiled sweetly at Momo, who was now in his arms, and she looked down at his chest in shame.

Her gaze then turned to me and my fallen gift. Her eyes turned wide and she let go of Todoroki.

"Y/N..." Momo whispered embarrassedly. I shook my head slowly with a tearful glare. I ran out of the classroom.

How could she?! I thought tears streaming
down my face.

"I'm sorry Y/N...I had to..."

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