🖤Villain!Deku x F!Pregnant!Reader🖤Part 4

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Oh wow u weren't expecting this.
Creeper, aww man.
This is a continuation of the villains Deku series after all that sex business.


After two weeks of being away from Deku, you and Bakugou finally found a therapist with a mental healing quirk.

It didn't erase your memories or any trauma, but it made you less prone to panicking and anxiety.

You lay on Bakugou's chest, he'd comfort you after each and every nightmare.

Distracting you with engagement presents and preparations for the wedding was helping you ease up a bit.

But soon you started feeling sick, throwing up and cramps in your stomach.

You hadn't had a period either.
You didn't worry about this too much, you assumed it was just a flu.

You had tests run on you at the police station, to see if you had contracted anything.
But you didn't take a pregnancy test...

You decided it was time to buy one.


You looked down at the sink, tears dripping into the running water of the taps as you leaned on the sink.

The test showed positive.

You sobbed and cried, sitting beside the tub and holding your face in your hands. You threw the pregnancy test across the floor and screamed.

Bakugou instantly ran up the stairs, opening the door with a shocked expression, he looked down to you and then to the test.

He slowly picked up the test and grit his teeth, throwing it aside.

"It's okay...it'll be fine...calm down..." Bakugou comforted, trying to be somewhat soft with his angered tone.

He was mad.
He wanted to rip Deku into pieces for what he did, but you were his main priority.

"What am I going to do?! It's his baby! It's a villains baby!" Y/N sobbed uncontrollably, gripping onto Bakugou and burying her head into his shoulder.

"You need to calm down, it will be okay" Bakugou consoled.

"I love you and Deku isn't gonna fucking get in the way of that" Bakugou cupped both of your cheeks and aims your face to look at him.

"It's your body, are you keeping it?" Bakugou asked bluntly.

You paused and gulped.

"I don't want to kill a child...but I don't want the child's father to be a villain!" You cried, confusing your morals.

"We can say it's adopted, only if you want to keep it" Bakugou grunted.

You nodded up and down.

"I've always wanted to raise a child with you, dumbass. It doesn't matter if it's not ours" Bakugou kissed you.


After your wedding with Bakugou, the two of you stayed away in your houses for 7 months.

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