💙Skater!Momo x Skater!F!Reader💙 ice skating

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"Y/N, don't fall!" Momo called out, trying to straighten her ponytail while skating over to her girlfriend.

"Don't worry, darli- AH FUCK!" You shrieked quickly, falling on your face and slowly sliding across the ice as if your were spinning around a washing machine.

Momo face palmed seeing her professional ice-skater girlfriend fall over carelessly.

"Laces, Y/N" Momo scolded, pointing down to your skates. You giggled weakly, lifting a thumbs up.

You tried to get up, whining as you awkwardly slipped. For a professional athlete you were pretty shit at walking.

You rolled to your side and Momo leaned down to tie your laces for you, you gave her a small peck at her forehead while doing so.

Momo giggled, taking a hold of your arm and letting you balance off of her to get up.

Just as you stood up you made an 'oof' noise before tripping.

You 'fell' once more and grabbed onto her waist, Momo gave an amused huff.

"People are staring, dear" Momo tapped you lightly on the back.

"Who wouldn't, you're hot as fuck" You flirted, Momo blushed at your bluntness.

"Y-Y/N! There are children" She reprimanded, shaking your arms in an attempt to get you off her.

You chuckled and placed your face against her breasts, making her blush more.

"Well, someone seems needy" Momo giggled as you began to move around the ice.

"We finally get a date night, let me show off my girlfriend~" You teased, sticking out your tongue with a 'blep'.

Momo took a hold of your hands, lifting up your face with one hand.
You looked up to her with excitement.

She leaned to kiss you with her soft lips before pulling away and skating off like a tease.

"Oi! Where's my smoooooooch?!" You whine, emphasising the 'smooth'.

"You're gonna have to catch me, dearest~" Momo teased seductively, giving a peace sign before skating away.

You chuckled evilly before skating after her, she laughed as she skated around the ring.

"I'm coming for you, princess~" You mocked, bending your knees to push yourself further.

"Are you sure?" Momo span around so she was skating backwards and facing me, she cheekily stuck out her tongue and continued skating.

"Come here you teaaaase!" You crouched down in a squatting position on your skates, so you could curve around the ring easier.

"I thought you were faster than this, dearest~" Momo taunted, giving you a wave across the ring.

"That's it! I'm calling the poli- OOF" You suddenly fell over, landing on your hands.

Momo gasped and skated toward you, lifting you up again.

"Should've gone to specsavers" Y/N mumbled, lifting herself up and Momo sweat-dropped.

"You should've looked where you were stepping, how does one trip over a flat surface?" Momo questioned, checking you for any cuts.

"I am a surprising person~" you cooed, way too confident and Momo just giggled.

"You're also a very hurt person, you're nose is bleeding" Momo teased, using a pocket-tissue to wipe your nose.

"Maybe it's just cause you're hot" You finger-gunned, gently touching the blood on your nose.

"Nope, that hurts" You mumbled with a squeal and Momo giggled.

"Let's go fix you up, dearest. I'll buy you some tea afterwards" Momo kissed your forehead.

"Aww you do love me~" you hummed.

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