💙Villain Deku x F!reader💙 kacchans old friend

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*~Y/Ns POV~*

Kick after kick, I was taking down each villain and criminal scum that was in my path.

I was accompanied by my heroic partner Ground Zero.

We were taking care of a bank heist in the city and attempting to save the hostages inside until the police could show up to remove the villains.

"Bakugou! I'm heading inside! You okay on your own?" I shouted to the masked male, who turned to me with an arrogant grin and he threw a villain to a curb.

"You underestimating me?! I'll be fine! Go get the hostages!" Bakugou yelled from afar. I nodded and ran behind the building and next to a secret entrance, that only the heroes had been informed about. I used my quirk to make myself invisible to the naked eye.

Quirk: Camouflage

Y/N can camouflage into everything but is only invisible to the visual sensory. She can be smelt, felt, heard, etc...

I quietly opened the door and tip-toed my way inside, closing it behind me. I could hear muffled screams and eery cries from the other rooms, I shivered.

I cautiously slid into rooms and looked around for villains; there were no villains insight or that could be heard until I had reached a room at the top of the building and sneakily opened the door. A young man stood holding a gun towards the hostages and a phone next to his ear. I silently crawled across the tiles of the floor and towards the hostages.

The male looked intimidating and smug. His eyes were bruised with dark bags and his hair was messy and mossy green. He was seductive but had a crazy stare in his eyes. He had a crooked, Cheshire smile, that with his aggressive stare made him look on edge and broken. I gulped quietly.

He clenched the phone and spoke into it.

"Kacchan, oh kacchan~... I guess you're in quite the dilemma here, aren't you?" The male gave a high chuckle as he fiddled with the trigger of the gun. I began to untie the hands of the hostages, whispering to them 'stay still' and 'it's okay'.

I was confused to why the male was nicknaming Katsuki, but as I thought about it more...This man did look familiar, but now wasn't the time for that.

"Dammit Deku! What the hell are you doing here?! You left over 10 years ago, why show up now?!!" I heard Katsuki rant over the phone the name 'Deku'. Deku had smirked with an eye twitch.

"You're asking too many questions, old friend. I'm just here for some fun! So really, it's your choice to either let me leave with the money or to let me leave with blood on my hands" Deku exclaimed and scratching at the base of the gun. I held in my gasp as the hostages began to sob and cry for help, knowing I was with them.

"You hear that Kacchan? Their crying? I made the same sound when you beat me those few years ago" Deku whispered into the phone, his expression was dark and gloomy.

"Let them go Deku! I'll kick your ass!" Bakugou wildly shouted through the device. Deku just chuckled.

"Then let's make a deal. Every minute a hero is outside, a hostage dies" Deku lifted the gun and released the safety lock. The hostages screamed as Deku took a child from the group and pulled him up by his hair. Y/N stood in shock as the child cried.

"Starting now!" Deku aimed the gun at the child's head and the mother fell into tears for her poor child. Bakugou growled.

"Y/N NOW!" Bakugou shouted from the phone and I jumped into action.

I grabbed the kid and rolled with him towards the hostages. Deku gasped darkly and growled in shock and I stood from my feet, kicking the gun from his hand. I transformed out of my camouflage and he stared down at my heroic figure. He grinned.

"Is this your girlfriend, Kacchan?" Deku whispered into the phone before throwing it to the floor and pulling to knives from his belt.

"What a pretty girl, too bad you're about to die" Deku chanted and grinned before throwing two knives towards my face and heart. I couldn't move as the knife would hit the hostages. So I caught the knife but was left with heavy breath and shock, that was too close for my liking.

My attention occupied, Deku had kicked the knives from my hands. I threw a hard punch but he swiftly grabbed my wrist and dodged the punch, soon kneeing me in the stomach. I clenched my stomach and arched downwards and he kicked me down, I fell onto my knees. As he raised his gun once more and lifted it towards me, I rolled over and kicked the back of his shin. He fell back but landed onto his hands and soon his feet. I rolled myself up, but he harshly punched me down. I hit my head on the metallic tiles and blacked out. I could hear his sinister laughing as I slowing shut my eyes.


I woke up with goosebumps on my arms.

My eyes were weary and tired and my body felt severely wounded. I blinked my eyes uncomfortably when in view of a bright light above me. As I tried to rub my eyes I noticed both my hands were strapped down by tight leather. My ankles were in the same situation and I squirmed against the cold metal underneath me.

'Where am I? What's going on? Why am I tied up?!' I thought to myself as I stared down at my trembling legs and aching body.

'Its OK Y/N we'll get out of this, let's try using our quirk...' I thought to myself as I began to clench my fists.

"Agh!" I winced as an electric buzz zapped me when I attempted to use my power.

"Careful now, darling~. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself too badly" A familiar dark voice mumbled.

I turned my head to the same villainous male, Deku.

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