💙Shigaraki x F!reader💙 Meeting

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*~Y/Ns POV~*
I woke up dreary and tired. I slowly slide myself from the covers of my bed and stretch my arms. Before gloomily sighing.

"Fucking mornings..." I mumble spitefully.

As I wrapped myself in warm and stylish clothing I begin to brush my hair and head to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth I head to the room of glory. My kitchen!

I whip up enticing pancakes and watch as they heat and become thick in the heating pan. I used a pink spatula and slowly flipped the pancakes onto a shiny plate. I licked my lips as I poured sweet-scented syrup onto the fluffy and delightful tower of pancakes. My eyes were hungry as I looked at my work of art.

"Yummy!" I cheered.
As I lifted a knife and fork from the cabinet I got a knock on the door.

"Oh no, it's too early for bills and shit" I grumble with a pout. The knocking continues.
I sigh and stumble towards the door crankily.

I open the door and see a man-made entirely of smoke wearing a suit. I raise a brow.

"Uh...Can I help you?" I question.

"Hello Miss.L/N. My name is Kurogiri, pleased to meet you" Kurogiri bowed.
I stared, confused at his formality's.

"Yeah okay...do you need something?" I replied carelessly.

Kurogiri stood tall.
"I'm here to offer you a deal that could benefit you extremely" Kurogiri politely said.
I crossed my arms and looked the man up and down.
"Yeah I'm kinda busy, come back later, sorry" I muttered exasperatedly.

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed angrily but then went calm.
"I'm sorry Miss, but this is extremely impor-" Kurogiri was cut off by me beginning to shut the door.

He held his hand against the door and pushed it forward.
"My foods gonna get cold" I force my strength against the door.

Kurogiri sighed and barges it open. It slammed into me and I fell to the floor.
I hissed at the pain and then look over to my pancakes.

"Dude my foods gonna dry out! Leave me be!" I bellowed scared for my precious pancakes.

Kurogiri glanced down to me and straightened his tie.

"This could've been much easier" He sighed.

'Oh...he was serious about some deal?' I thought.

"I apologise for what I'm going to do" Kurogiris smoke raised from the neck of his suit and glided towards me.

I crawled back and ran for my window. He chased me with ease and I was swallowed into a dark abyss before showing up in some edgy bar.

I fell from the portal and jumped up.
"Ah! My fucking knee!" I held my knee as I hopped and winced in pain.

The portal became Kurogiri and I soon acknowledged my surroundings.

'Where tf am I?' I thought.
I looked around the dim setting and saw a group of people staring in my direction. I gulped.

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