Chapter 3: Introductions

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Kendall's POV

We sat down as Kim and her friend stared at us.

"What? Have we got sweaty faces?" James asked them.

Kim giggled.

"No, why would you have sweaty faces?"

James looked at the two of them, surprised.

"Okay, okay. Why don't we get to know each other?" I asked everyone trying to handle the situation.

Kim looked at me and raised her eyebrows.

Hey, don't I do that too?

"Okay I go first." Said Logan.

Kim's friend nodded.

"I'm Logan Henderson from Texas. I moved to California a few years ago. And I love science." He smiled at the friend.

We laughed.

"Okay my turn." I said looking right at Kim.

She shrugged.

Kim's POV

"I'm Kendall Schmidt from Kansas, youngest of the Schmidt Brothers, I play guitar sometimes and we moved to California a few years ago too." He smiled

Gosh, he gives me butterflies.

"I'll go next." Rebecca said looking at Logan.

He smiled as she introduced herself as Rebecca Black, originally from California.

"I'm James Maslow, the school's star athelete." said James.

I laughed. "We can see that, James!"

James winked at me and I saw Kendall shoot him a look.

I'm not exactly sure what that meant.

"Well, Carlos, everyone knows us we don't need to say anything, right?" I said

"No, no, no. Not fair. Kim you're next." Kendall said to me.

"Okaay." I said looking at Rebecca.

She was gazing at Logan.

I see a crush. Why do you have to be so Boy Crazy, Bec?

I looked back the the guys.

"I'm Kim Hadley from Malaysia. I moved here a few years ago too."

"Well, that explains your perfect complexion." Kendall said

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. Carlos! You're turn." He said looking away, clearly trying to change the topic.

"I'm Carlos Pena Junior, because my dad was Carlos too. I'm from Columbia, Missouri, United States. We moved a few years back."

We sat in silence for a minute.

"Lunch anyone?" I asked looking around. Nobody had touched their burgers.

"What -- oh yeah!" Everyone looked at the big clock behind us. 15  more minutes.

We ate our burgers, finished our juices and rushed out of the cafeteria to our next lessons.


So, what do you think Kendall's gonna do to get Kim's attention? ;)

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