Chapter 16: Change Of Plans

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Really short chapter, hope you like it!

Ready for the twist? ;) Here it comes!


The horn honked and we looked behind. Logan stepped out and Rebecca ran to hug him. He swung her around twice and kissed her forehead after setting her down.

"Where's Kendall?" I asked

"Oh, I'm sorry, he couldn't make it. He's sick." He replied

"What?! How- how is he?"

"Sneezing up a storm."

"Oh." I looked down. I was really looking forward to hanging out with him. 

"He was alright when we were at school."

"I don't know, maybe he picked it up from Sissy. She's been making weird noises lately."


"So, er...Kim do you want to, know." Rebecca started.

"I don't know. You think I should?"

Both of them nodded. Logan smirked.

I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughed.

"Okay, so change of plans. You two go to the circus, and can you drop me off at his place on the way?"

"Sure." Logan smirked again.

I smacked his arm. He rubbed it and motioned towards the car.

I got into the back seat and listened to the BackStreet Boys on the way.

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