Chapter 30: I Love You

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Kim's POV 

"Kim I--" He started to say but then a 9th grader ran up to us. "Umm, Kendall? Kim?"

We nodded as he told us that the guys were looking for us. He took my hand and we walked out to the garden. The fountain was playing, making a soothing noise for some reason.

I looked up at Kendall. His eyes were bloodshot. He put his arm on my back amd smiled. I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder.

And then out of nowhere, sprinklers came on, firing cold water at us. Within seconds, we were soaked to our skins. Kendall and I laughed and played in the water. Forgetting everything on our minds for a few minutes.

Then we heard shrieks and we turned to look and saw six figures coming towards us. It was the rest of The SK8. We laughed at each other and continued to get wet.

15 Minutes later

Everyone was draped in fluffy white towels, shivering like crazy. The sprinklers, we found out, were from Becs and Logie.

They really do care about us. After all, they were the ones who got us together in the first place. I looked at everyone. From Logan to Rebecca, from James to Jherica and then from Carlos to Alexa. And then turned to Kendall.

He was drying his soft blond hair. I giggled.

"Guys, Lex and I are going. I have to get home by ten. And it almost 9:45." Carlos said, and suddenly, he didn't  look like the goofy Carlos we knew. He sounded much older. He opened his arms for hugs.

James, Logan and Kendall gave him man-hugs and then me and Becca jumped into his arms. "I'm  gonna miss you Los." I told him.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Kim." He smiled.

I smiled back and went to hug the others. Logan kissed my cheek as I hugged him goodbye and then went back to Kendall's side.

"Hey Kim! Don't you dare delete my number, hear me?" Rebecca called.

I laughed. "D'you think I'm mad or something? I'm not gonna delete any of your numbers. Okay? And we stay in touch." I added to the others. "Hear me?"

They laughed and nodded.

"Kim? Can I talk to you for a second, please?" Kendall asked.

I nodded. He took my hand and we walked out into the garden again. Near the fountain, I stopped and looked at him. He turned around as well, looking over his shoulder.

There was a little light in the distance. The room we were in previously. We could here laughing. "Kim?"


"Before amyone interrupts, I have to tell you something. You have to hear me out. I've already tried to tell you so many times, [A/N: Two or three chapters to be exact] but something just keep coming -"

"Are you gonna tell me or not?" I asked chuckling a bit.

"Kim Eva Hadley, I want to tell you that I have cherished every single moment with you. And even though we have to let each other go, I want to tell you that I will not forget about you. Not now, not ever. Kim, you mean the whole world to me. Kim, I- I love you!"

Oh, my gosh.

"Really?" I whispered.

"Yes! Kim, I've loved you since the day I met you during rehearsals! I ignored you totally all through middle school, but you know what?" He paused. "I caught you staring at me more times than you can imagine." He smirked.


He laughed. "I love you, Kim Hadley."

I smiled. "I love you too, Kendall Schmidt."

And then both of us teared up. He pulled me closer to him and leaned. I snifled a little and did the same. He kissed me slowly and passionately. I kissed back. We pulled away after a few minutes. He looked into my eyes. I gazed back into his dark green orbs. I pecked his lips one more time and then hugged him tightly. He buried his face in my neck and I think I heard him sob. But I was breaking down myself. I hugged him tighter.

"I'm never gonna let you go." He whispered.

"I'm not ever gonna let you go! Kendall," I looked into his gorgeos face. "I love you. I love you so damn much. You mean the whole world to me. I'm not gonna ever in my entire life, forget about you. And if we ever do meet again promise me you'll love just as much as you do now."

"I promise. I promise across my heart and hope to die, curse my lungs and burn my eyes." He said. I chuckled. Soon, the others joined us. I held on to him.

"Hey guys, I found out the "SK8" thingy." Logan said.

"What?" We asked at once.

"The So Kool Eight" He stated. Everybody laughed.

The So Kool Eight? Seriosuly dude? Where did they even get the idea?

After endless talk for another ten minutes, with Kendall and me still holding onto each other, the clock struck 11 and the dance was over. The recently alight with happiness faces,now were so gloomy you couldn't tell it if they were about to cry or not. We said goodbye to everybody and shed another few tears.

Carlos and Alexa were already gone. James and Jherica went to the left, Logan and Becs led the right trail, but him and I still stood there. "Kim, can I just have one last kiss?" He asked, his voice shaking. As tears began to slowly roll down my cheeks, I slowly nodded.

Kendall leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on my lips for the second time tonight. Our lips moved in sync. It seemed so magical, I forgot what was happening until a few minutes later he pulled away and removed his hands from my waist.

"It's all my fault, Kim. If I had realized sooner, hat you were it, we would've had more time together, years maybe. I'm so sorry."

I just shhok my head, trying to say that dosn't matter.

"I love you Kim. Forever. Don't ever forget that." He wshipered

"I love you too Kendall!" I whispered back.

Nobody's POV 

Kendall backed away from Kim, slowly, his eyes still fixed on her as tears rolled down their faces.

"Come, I-I have to drop you off." He muttered. She nodded silently. The drive was silent, the only sound of continued sobs could be heard. At least, when the reached Numer 5 RiverWood Lane, Kendall helped Kim out of the car and walked her in. At the door, he grabbed her hands and pecked her lips one last time. "I love you, Kim. You're mine, don't ever forget that. No one will ever love you like I did. I'm not ever gonna forget about you. You might-" She shook her head. "but I just want you to remember that I love you, Kim. I love you so much."


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