Chapter 7: Detention

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Looks like I did get the time to write another one.

Lol. Enjoy.



Kim's POV

Detention. Ugh. This doesn't happen to me often.

And it's not even my fault. Or Kendall's.

It was Stephen's fault. Well he did get suspended so I guess that served him right.

We dragged our bags as we followed the bald idiot to Study Hall.

"Right. Now stay here you two. No talking, and if I see even a fraction of movement from either of you, you'll get lines. I'll be sending Mrs. Bones here shortly. Now sit." He commanded.

Kendall and I looked at each other and sat down in the middle of the room.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Looks like you're gonna miss the bus." Kendall said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah. I'll just walk home. It's only a few blocks away." I told him.

"Hey. Don't tell me you're gonna walk home. I'll drop you off on my way!" He said.

I suddenly noticed his sweaty face.

"Kendall! Oh my God, you're bleeding!" I got up and took a napkin out of my pocket and placed it on his right eye-brow, pressing it lightly.

"Ow!" He whispered

"Oops. Keep quite." I smiled

I wiped his face and sat back down.

"Hey, what about your hand?" He said holding out his palm.

"What about it?" I asked holding my hand in front of me and looking at it, back and front.

He grabbed my hand and examined it closely.

"It's blue. You should see Nurse Tufty." He told me as he began to gently massage my wrist.

I know I should've pulled away, but I was kind of really enjoying his company.

"Thanks, Kendall. It's a lot better now." I said smiling.

He smiled back, but didn't let go of my hand.

We heard voices outside.

"Ken, let go. If somebody saw us -" I started, but at that moment, James burst through the door and Kendall immediately let go of my hand.

"Oh, er, sorry guys. But I thought you might wanna get out early." He said looking at Kendall.

"Sure. How?" He asked James.

"Principal Roy just left, and Mrs. Bones told the idiot that she'd keep an eye on you two, but she left too." He said grinning.

"Awesome!" Kendall and I said in unison and grabbed our bags and ran outside.

As we got out of the gates and into the parking lot, I hugged James and thanked him for helping us out.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" he said as he pulled away looking thoroughly shaken.

"Uh, bye." I said as Kendall glared at James and he looked apologetically back at him.

"Come on, Kim. I'll drop you off." He smiled at me.

"No, it's okay. I'll walk." I said

"No way. I'm not letting you go back on your own. You've taken enough blows today." He said

"Okay." I finally gave in.

I got into his car and instead of taking me home, he took me to Tutti Fruiti. (It's a Frozen Yoghurt place)

"Come on." He said getting out.

"Why are we here?" I asked getting out.

"Just two friends hanging out." He smiled.

Gosh, I love his smile.

We went inside and got a chocolate yoghurt each with all types of chocolate toppings.

"How much?" I asked as he weighed my cup.

"$5.36 Ma'am." The guy behind the counter replied.

I opened my bag to get money but Kendall stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked raising an eye brow.

"Er, paying for my yoghurt?" I said more of a question.

He snorted.

"Seriously? You think I'm gonna let you do that?"

"Uh, why wouldn't you?"

"You're a girl." He said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Thank you Captain Obvious. I didn't notice." I said sarcastically.

He stuck out his tongue and paid the guy 10 Dollars.

"Come on!" I said as he grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"C'mon. Lets go home. You can thank me later." He said laughing.

I laughed too as I got back in the car and we drove back home.

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