Chapter 25: Dress Rehearsals

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The book doesn't have a lot of chapter left. And now come to think of it, it doesn't have a lot of Reads either. Ah well, I'm proud of this book. That's all that matters to me. :)


Kim's POV

Argh! Stupid hair! I don't know what to do with it. I tried putting it in a tried-to-make elegant bun, a high pony tail, pig tails, french braid and just a simple braid. The talent show is only two days away, and I still don't know what to do with the bird nest on my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror in the dressing room again. I jumped. Rebecca was standing beside me. She was glaring at me as if she could see through me.

"Am I in trouble, mommy?" I said in a stupid baby voice.

She smiled. "No, just show me the dress!"

I stood up. "Dress?" I asked revolted. I don't really like dresses. They're too...itchy.

"Of course! Do you really think you're going on-stage wearing your rugged pants?!"

"What? I checked with Principal Kelly. She says it's fine if I don't want to flounce around in a stupid pink puffy party frock. And my pants are not rugged. My hair is!" I said irritated. Just then, another person joined us in the room. This person was a guy. A guy that I think I'm ready for now.

"Hey Kenny!" I smiled.

"Hey Kim! You look great!" He said. He had probably overheard us talking. "Shut up, please. I look ugly." I said.

Rebecca smirked and left me alone with him. Not that I mind. "You don't look ugly. I mean it. You look absolutely stunning. Jeans and shirts are your style. You don't have to 'dress up' for a performance where you're supposed to be yourself. You just have to sing like you mean it. And that's it. That trophy's as good as yours." He smiled.

I smiled lovingly at him. He's so sweet!

"Okay, thanks. But I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with -" I grabbed hold of a fist full of my hair. "this!"

He put his head to one side, thinking. Then moved forwards and smoothed it down with his fingers, and then turned three-fourths of my dark brown hair to one side and the other remaing one-fourth to the other. "There." He said.

I turned to look in the mirror. Wow, I do look kinda nice.

"Awe, thanks!" I said and without thinking, threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He was startled though. But he did hug me back after a few seconds. I let go of him and smiled. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran outside as Coach Morrison shouted. "Kim Hadley! Come on, girl. Show us what you got!"

I grabbed the mike and the music came on. Then remembering what Kendall had said, I took a deep breath, and then, thought about the person I care about most in the world. Who else? Kendall. Of course I care about my mom, but she's different. Know what I mean?

Then, I sung the song I was supposed to be singing. I sung it, like I did every day, but this time, I had someone on my mind. Someone who is just way too hard to forget.

                                                Can't blame you for thinking

That you never really knew me at all
I tried to deny you
But nothing ever made me feel so wrong

I thought I was protecting you
From everything that I go through
But I know that we got lost along the way

Here I am with all my heart
I hope you understand
I know I let you down
But I'm never gonna make
That mistake again
You brought me closer
To who I really am
Come take my hand
I want the world to see
What you mean to me
What you mean to me

Just know that I'm sorry
I never wanted to make you feel so small
Our story is just beginning
But let the truth break down these walls (oh yeah yeah)

And every time I think of you
I think of how you pushed me through
And show me how much better I could be

Here I am with all my heart
I hope you understand
I know I let you down
But I'm never gonna make
That mistake again
You brought me closer
To who I really am
Come take my hand
I want the world to see
What you mean to me (yeah)

You make me feel like I'm myself
Instead of being someone else
I wanna live that every day
You say what no one else was saying
You know exactly how to get to me
You know it's what I need
It's what I need yeah

Here I am with all my heart
I hope you understand (I hope you understand)
I know I let you down
But I'm never gonna make that mistake again (that mistake again)
You brought me closer
To who I really am
So come take my hand
I want the world to see
What you mean to me
What you mean to me

I finished and breathed haevily. Coach clapped, the other singers, dancers, skaters, or whoever was in the room clapped. I looked behind me. Kendall was watching form the side of the stage. He had a stunned look on his face, but he was smiling proudly at me and clapping along.

"Well done, Kim. That was excellent!" Coach said.

I smiled and ran into Kendall's arms. "That was so great!" He said after putting me down again.

"Well, I took your advice." I smiled.

"Really?" He asked.

I kissed his cheek. "Yes, really." I said and grabbed his hand so we could leave the auditorium. "Woah, woah. Wait. Me and the guys are up next. W-why don't you wait, or you're going?" He asked sheepishly.

I was staying, duh. Where am I gonna go? "Of course I'm staying. I wanna see my best friends and my boyfriend sing." I said.

WAIT! Did I really just say that?!!?!

I blushed deeply, but Kendall's face slpit into a nervous smile.

"Boyfriend?" He asked quitely, scratching the back of his neck. I shrugged, feeling shy-er than ever. "If you want to." I muttered looking at the floor and shuffling my feet.

"Hey," He pushed my face up. "you ready?" He asked,

I smiled happily. "I think so. Yes."

"Really?!" He said excitedly.

"Calm down! Yes." I said and reached up to hug him again. "Oh, I'm happy." He whispered to me as he spun me around. I laughed.

I ran up to the seats and sat next to Rebecca, and surprisingly, Alexa. Rebecca gave me a quick hug. Then I turned to Alexa.

"Hey, you're Alexa Vega right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm not doing anything, and I think you might've noticed but I'm -" she satrted quickly.

"Trying to Carlos' attention?" I finished the sentence for her.

She giggled nervously. "Yeah. He's so sweet. Oh by the way, congrats on Kendall."

"Excuse me?" I said taken aback.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You know, to keep around Carlos, I had to keep around you guys too. And I well, kinda when you pulled him away from the others last month to talk to him about Rebecca and Logan and when he was acting all bad boy-ish. And when you pulled him away from them last week too to talk about Carlos and me. Sorry" She explained.

"Ohh." I said. "Well, you did it for a guy, so okay. Forgiven." I smiled. She smiled back and hel out her hand. I shook it and decided I'll try to get Carlos to get a little close yo her. She's noice, and pretty. Not a bitch like Emily.

Then the music came on, we turned around in our seats to see our boys on the stage. They did so good. They've got such amazing voices. Wow.

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