Chapter 10: Did You Mean It?

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His lips immediately moved against mine, his hands grabbing my waist.

I had no idea what was happening, I just knew my fingers were locked in his hair stroking it.

I pulled away for air and glanced around.

His body was pressed against mine and I was leaning against the tree though I wasn't there before.

He was breathing as heavily as I was.

"Thanks." He breathed softly.

I gave him a small nod and he pulled away.

I blushed a dark shade of magenta. "I- I'll see you at school, then." I said and grabbed my bag from the ground. "Kim, wait." He said grabbing my hand.

"W-what?" I asked not looking at him.

"Did you mean it?" He asked


"Did you mean it? When you kissed me."

"Did you mean it? When you asked me?"

He flashed me a small smile and nodded.

I smiled back and nodded too.


Shortest chapter ever. -_-

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