Chapter 21: In The Car

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Kim's POV

I walked out of Heffron Drive, and began to walk back home, but on the way, a car stopped beside me, and someone rolled the window down. It was mom.

"Hey, Kim. Need a ride?"

I smiled and got in. "Thanks, mom."

"So, what happened?"

"I didn't go to the circus."

"Why not?"

I explained all of Logan and Rebecca's plans to get Kendall and me together and then going to the Schmidt's place and then practicing with Kendall, and then I paused. Thinking weather I should tell mom about the kiss or not.

"Something happened?" She guessed.

"It's happened before, mom. It's not the first time."


"It happened once, a week or so ago."

"And you never told me!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, babe."

"But, then his brother interrupted us."

"Screw him."

"Mom, don't be like that. He's a really nice guy who just seems to be fond of interrupting his brother"

"He interrupted my baby's first kiss!"

"Fourt, in one way and I don't know mom. At first I thought he was just messing with me, but turns out he is seriouse. I mean, I really like him, he seems to like me too. But it feels wrong somehow."

"Are you sure you like him?"

"Yes, mom! I really really like him!"

"Well then you'll be just fine. And if you ask me, " she said as she parked fhe car in the garage and we got out. "you need some time to yourself. Go on, take all the time you need." She smiled

I smiled back and ran upstairs to my room.


Not a agreat chapter. The next one will be better. I promise!

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